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Konstruksi Pemahaman Masyarakat Terhadap Hadis "Kullu Bid'atin Dlalalah" Mu'awwanah, Nafisatul
Jurnal Studi Ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Hadis Vol 17, No 2 (2016): Juli
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.84 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/qh.2016.1702-01


This article discusses the problems of bid’ah in society. The problems originated from differences in the public’s understanding of the hadis kullu bid’atin dlalalah. Such defferences include the definition of bid’ah, bid’ah classification, and the methods used to judge the practices that are not practiced by Rasulullah, companions, and scholars of the Salaf. The situation often cause conflicts in society. To solve this problem, Peter L. Berger gave some solution by theory of social contruction. This theory told us that the problems of bid’ah are caused by three processes, there are eksternalitation, objectivation, and internalitation. And the problems can be solved by two processes, there are institusionalitation and socialization.Key Word: Bid’ah, Hadis, Sosial Contruction.
Hermeneutika Hans-Georg Gadamer dan Relevansinya terhadap Pemahaman Hadis “Keterlibatan Malaikat dalam Hubungan Seksual” Nafisatul Mu’awwanah
Millati: Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Millati
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.234 KB) | DOI: 10.18326/mlt.v3i2.276-299


This paper deals with Gadamer’s hermeneutical theory and how relevant it is to the study of Islam, which in this case is applied in the hadith “the involvement of angels in sexual relations”. The concept of Gadamer greatly emphasizes the merger of the horizons, the horizon of the text and the horizon of the reader. Merging the horizons will then generate meaningful sense. Meaningful sense is what according to Gadamer, can be applied in the reader. When Gadamer’s hermeneutical theory is applied in the hadith of “the involvement of angels in sexual relations”, a reader of hadith should be able to combine the horizon of the hadith, how it is understood in the time of the Prophet, and the horizon of the reader, the needs and conditions of the present. From the merger, it was found that the meaningful sense of the hadith is “keeping and maintaining harmony of husband and wife relationship”. Meaningful sense of this hadith should be applied in the present, regardless of the nature of the relationship between husband and wife. So Gadamer’s hermeneutical concept can be said to be relevant to eliminate the issues that develop today about gender bias.
The Concept of Justice In the System of the Confliction Through Contextualization of Surah al-Mā’ida 44-47 (Application of Abdullah Saeed’s Contextual Approach) Nafisatul Mu'awwanah
Ulumuna Vol 22 No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/ujis.v22i1.302


This article aims to employ Abdullah Saeed’s contextual approach to explore the concept of justice in the system of the confliction based on the interpretation of surah al-Mā'ida: 44-47. Based on this approach, a contextualist must be able to find two meanings that arise from the interpreted verse, i.e. meaning for the first recipient (historical meaning) and meaning for the present context (contemporary meaning). For the first recipient of surah al-Mā'ida: 44-47, it is understood as a form of justice and equality of the Prophet in mediating the case of the dispute at that time, especially between the Naḍīr and the Qurayẓa tribe. When this verse is attributed to the form of the present state of the constitutional system, the contemporary meaning of this verse is that a state is capable of mediating fairly among its people in order to avoid the clash between rights and obligations. In this case, the form of the state, secular or non-secular, cannot be taken as a measure of the state system in accordance with this verse.
IJouGS: Indonesian Journal of Gender Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/ijougs.v2i1.2952


Abstract:In addition to experiencing a heavy reproductive burden, women often receive discriminatory treatment from society because of the reproductive cycle they experience. Discriminatory behavior like this was reflected in preIslamic Arab society, wherein the Alquran came down to carry out a cultural transformation of the patriarchal system at that time. This paper is a critical study of the verses of the Alqur’an about women’s reproduction from a gender perspective. In the study of gender, at least this paper tries to reveal two things: first, how to understand the reproductive verses of women in the Alqur’an; second, what is the form of cultural transformation of the Alquran towards gender discrimination related to the women’s reproductive system. From the results of the study it can be concluded that; first, the Alquran has discussed various women’s issues, including issues related to their reproductive system. There are at least five women reproductive cycles discussed in the Alqur’an, namely regarding menstruation, conception or sex, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Second, when referring to pre-Islamic Arabic culture, the Alqur’an has actually carried out a cultural transformation of a patriarchal system that is very discriminatory against women. The Qur’an emphasizes that men and the environment are involved regarding the responsibilities and risks of the reproductive system experienced by women.Kata Kunci: The verses of the Al qur’an on Women’s Reproduction, Gender Justice, the Reproductive Cycle of Women.Abstrak:Di samping mengalami beban reproduksi yang berat, perempuan kerap mendapatkan perlakuan yang diskriminatif dari masyarakat karena siklus reproduksi yang dialaminya. Prilaku diskriminatif seperti ini tercermin dalam masyarakat Arab pra-Islam, yang selanjutnya Alqur’an turun untuk melakukan transformasi kultural terhadap sistem patriarki ketika itu. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian kritis atas ayat-ayat Alqur’an tentang reproduksi perempuan dalam perspektif gender. Dalam kajian gender, paling tidak tulisan ini berusaha mengungkap tentang dua hal: pertama, bagaimana pemahaman ayat-ayat reproduksi perempuan dalam Alqur’an; kedua, bagaimana bentuk transformasi kultural Alqur’an terhadap diskriminasi gender yang berkaitan dengan sistem reproduksi perempuan. Dari hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa; pertama, Alqur’an telah membicarakan berbagai persoalan perempuan, termasuk di dalamnya persoalan-persoalan yang berkaitan dengan sistem reproduksi mereka. Setidaknya terdapat lima siklus reproduksi perempuan yang dibicarakan oleh Alqur’an, yaitu berkenaan dengan menstruasi, pembuahan atau seks, kehamilan, melahirkan, dan menyusui. Kedua, ketika merujuk kepada kebudayaan Arab pra-Islam maka sesungguhnya Alqur’an telah melakukan transformasi kultural terhadap sistem patriarki yang sangat diskriminatif terhadap perempuan. Alqur’an menegaskan agar laki-laki dan lingkungan turut terlibat terkait tanggung jawab dan resiko sistem reproduksi yang dialami perempuan.Keywords: Ayat-ayat Reproduksi Perempuan, Keadilan Gender, Siklus Reproduksi Perempuan.
Pembakaran Mushaf Al-Qur’an Yang Rusak Dalam Tradisi Masyarakat Muslim: Sebuah Transmisi Dan Transformasi Nafisatul Mu'awwanah
Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan Vol 13 No 02 (2018): Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan
Publisher : LP2M Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (21.276 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/adabiya.v13i02.24


This article tries to explain how the phenomenon of combustion copy of the Qur’an were damaged in the tradition of Muslim societies occur. Muslim society in everyday life, when see copy of the Koran that have been damaged or torn Koran, one of them is to burn reception. Combustion also applies to writings containing God asthma or other materials which are writings of the Koran, such as magazines, pamphlets, tabloids, and so forth. This phenomenon is seen through the perspective of reception theory, which says that each side pratek Muslims emerged from the theological side, which in this case is the belief that the Qur’an is the word of God. The phenomenon discovered in the transmission and transformation in peresepsiannya process. The reception transmission copy of the Koran burning damaged were of literature-literature jurisprudence and adab al-Qur'an, which further transmission to the copy of the Koran burning in the reign of Ustman ibn ‘Affan. The transformation of this peresepsian process is related to the background and purpose of combustion, as well as the object or material is burned.