Tarmawan, Irwan
Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Desain, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

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Journal : DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain

Perancangan Informasi Melalui Media Collectible Cards Hewan Purba Zaman Mesozoikum Mochamad Gunawan Wiguna; Irwan Tarmawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 2 No 1 (2022): DIVAGATRA #03
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v2i1.6700


The Mesozoic era is one of the eras where the earth was occupied by various kinds of ancient animals. In the Mesozoic era there were three epochs, namely the Triassic, Jurassic, and closed with the Cretaceous period where ancient animals at this time began to become extinct. Currently, public knowledge about the Mesozoic era is still lacking and dominantly still identifying ancient animals in the Mesozoic era, only dinosaurs, especially T-Rex. In fact, there were many other types of animals living in this era including various types of dinosaurs, mammals, marine animals, or birds. The purpose of this design is to provide information and general knowledge that in the Mesozoic era there were various types of ancient animals that were diverse and unique which were the ancestors of most of today's animals that have evolved. The media used in this design is using different media than the general media currently used, namely by using collectible cards media which are presented with more specific information. The media in this design is also distributed through an official institution, namely the Bandung Geology museum so that the information presented can reach a wider audience and the public can more easily receive the information presented. This design is expected to provide a solution for people who have difficulty in identifying ancient animals in the Mesozoic era.
Perancangan Kampanye Sosial Mengatasi Penyakit Maag Nurul Afifah Novianti; Irwan Tarmawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 1 No 1 (2021): DIVAGATRA #01
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.058 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v1i1.4877


Maag merupakan penyakit yang menyerang asam lambung yang di karenakan luka atau peradangan lambung yang muncul berupa nyeri bagian ulu hati, mual, rasa cepat kenyang. Penyebabnya yaitu pola makan tidak sehat dan pola hidup yang tidak teratur. Banyaknya masyarakat yang menyepelekan penyakit ini, sehingga menjadi hal yang lumrah walaupun sebenarnya tidak bisa disepelekan. Namun banyak masyarakat belum banyak mengetahui bahwa stress merupakan penyebab asam lambung naik bahkan keluhan pada maag yang disebabkan faktor kecemasan atau stress. Fenomenanya masih banyak masyarakat yang menganggap remeh terkait penyakit maag. Hal tersebut di karenakan kebiasaan pola hidup tidak sehat dan generasi aktif lebih rentan terkena penyakit maag. Kesimpulan diatas akan dilakukan perancangan kampanye sosial dalam perancangan ini bertujuan untuk meminimalisir penyakit maag terutama yang berdampak dari stress.
Iklan Promosi Soul Puncak Lawang di Kabupaten Agam Provinsi Sumatera Barat Occa Rahdatul Oma Elfa Putri; Irwan Tarmawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 1 No 2 (2021): DIVAGATRA #02
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (655.697 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v1i2.5707


Perancangan dilatarbelakangi oleh tingginya potensi yang dimiliki oleh wisata Soul Puncak Lawang untuk dapat masuk ke dalam pasar yang lebih luas. Potensi yang beragam serta cukup tingginya angka kunjungan ke wisata menjadi poin yang dapat diperhitungkan sebagai langkah masuk dalam pasar nasional hingga internasional. Meski pengunjung baru berasal dari daerah setempat seperti Kabupaten Agam dan daerah-daerah di Sumatera Barat. Sehingga langkah baik adalah dengan membangun citra produk mengenai potensi yang dimiliki oleh Soul Puncak Lawang di benak masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan dan penulisan informasi adalah analisis kualitatif. Data yang didapat bersumber dari jurnal, buku, artikel, kuesioner hingga wawancara langsung menjelaskan bahwa kekayaan alam dan potensi yang dimiliki Soul Puncak Lawang mampu menjadi indikator penting dalam memperluas pasar. Pada perancangan ini kampanye komersial dinilai tepat untuk memperkenalkan potensi yang dimiliki oleh Soul Puncak Lawang di benak masyarakat. Media utama promosi berupa video iklan diharapkan mampu untuk menarik perhatian target khalayak melalui audio visual sehingga mudah diingat.
Perancangan Identitas Visual Yessika Roti Fimalian Nugraha; Irwan Tarmawan
DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain Vol 2 No 2 (2022): DIVAGATRA #04
Publisher : Fakultas Desain Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/divagatra.v2i2.8314


Because humans continue to grow then change, technology continues to develop, and brand competition is increasingly fierce, to be able to compete with other brands in the current era, Yessika Roti tries to keep up with the times to adjust to consumers in the current era, while caring for consumers who might be affected by times, such as improving products and services. Even though parents already have customers, in seeing the potential of new customers in the current era, it is needed to expand market share to reach a younger age, to accelerate consumer turnover in various generations, both in identity, products, and services. So we need a visual identity that supports it all, while communicating updates and developments in the image of existing products or services, to strengthen the brand identity that is able to compete with other similar brands in the current era. But the visual identity that is used today is quite long, and the audience will have difficulty in knowing the improvements that will be made if there is no change, so that it requires designing a new visual identity, as an initial step to support an increase in market share that will be done.