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Dekomposisi Petani dan Struktur Kerja dalam Masyarakat Pertanian Elanda, Yelly; Santoso, Budhy; Yuswadi, Hary
Jurnal ENTITAS SOSIOLOGI Vol 2 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi FISIP Universitas Jember

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The existence of the orange plantation at Gadingrejo Village, Umbulsari District, Jember Regency has attracted all the capitalist to do an investment. Usually, they’re doing investment to do the rented land and to sell their crops to the middlemen or wholesalers. Because currently, the market for direct agriculture is done on the agricultural land which is through the land rent. The land rent system which is an investment form of all the capitalist has created a new position on the land rent system and that is a broker and the confidant. The presence of both local & foreign tenant has created capital decomposition which later would also be followed by the manpower decomposition. Actually, in Gadingrejo Village, the possibilities of the occurrence of the manpower decomposition have been found. And there were 17 possibilities of it. These condition that the Gadingrejo Village peoples called welfare. And these conditions were different from Scott’s research condition, where Scott saw the deterioration of the farmer caused by the presence of the capitalist. And because of that, as the results the manpower got decreased, it creates unemployment and also there were three kinds of land tenant positions. Keywords: decomposition of capital, decomposition of manpower, decomposition of the farmer and land rental
Journal of Urban Sociology Volume 1 No 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/jus.v1i1.563


Media online banyak diminati oleh masyarakat karena kecepatan dan kemudahan dalam memperoleh informasi. Media online misalnya memiliki kolom female dimana kolom tersebut banyak membahas masalah kecantikan. Melalui berita kecantikan, kolom female mengkonstruksi mitos kecantikan. Kolom tersebut juga mengkaitkan antara tubuh dan lingkungan sosialnya yakni dalam hal percintaan, pola asuh anak dan dalam hal karier untuk membentuk citra tubuh. Tulisan ini adalah mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi representasi mitos kecantikan dalam kolom female. Mengidentifikasi dan membongkar ideologi mitos kecantikan yang diwacanakan oleh kolom female melalui teks berita. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis wacana kritis dengan model pendekatan perubahan sosial yang diutarakan oleh Norman Fairclough. Penelitian ini dilakukan hanya pada level mikro (level teks) yang terbit pada kolom female media online dari bulan oktober hingga desember 2014 dan januari hingga maret 2015 dengan 128 pemberitaan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kolom female dalam media online yang senyatanya merupakan ruang untuk mengakomodir kepentingan perempuan justru membentuk wacana mitos kecantikan dengan menjadikan perempuan dan laki-laki sebagai objek konsumtif dan objek kenikmatan. Iron maiden digambarkan dengan sosok variatif dengan hanya mengandalkan kecantikan fisik, tanpa melihat inner beauty. Meskipun menghadirkan variasi mitos kecantikan, namun kolom female masih merujuk pada ras kaukasoid. Sosok yang berbeda dari iron maiden mendapatkan streotipe tertentu. Tulisan di kolom female hanya muatan dari kepentingan kapitalis dalam mengkonstruksi kecantikan secara subjektif. Berita dari kolom female masih memperlihatkan betapa kuatnya ideologi kapitalis dan budaya patriarkhi. Kata Kunci: Ideologi, Media, Mitos Kecantikan, Representasi, Wacana
Journal of Urban Sociology Volume 3 No 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/jus.v3i2.1234


This article will talk about the subsistence crisis and the strategies undertaken by the fishing community of Dalegan Village to get out of the subsistence zone. The results of previous research have explained the occurrence of socio-economic changes in the Dalegan village community due to the opening of white sand beach tourism. However, that study has not specifically examined the condition of the Dalegan village fishing community. This article attempts to describe the subsistence conditions experienced by fishermen and how the fishermen's strategies are to meet their subsistence needs. This study uses a qualitative method with a narrative approach through interviews with fishermen in Dalegan Village. The results showed that the fishing community experienced an economic increase due to the opening of the white sand tourism village of Dalegan. However, the fishing community is still experiencing a subsistence crisis. The difficult conditions faced by fishermen are unfavorable natural conditions, insufficient capital, low human resources and inadequate technology. The strategy undertaken by fishermen to get out of the subsistence zone is by borrowing money from cooperatives; asking for help from neighbors, relatives and bosses; children and wives also work and fishermen switch to work in other sectors.Keywords: Fishermen Community, Subsistence Crisis, Tourism Village, Fisherman Strategy
Journal of Urban Sociology Volume 2 No 2 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/jus.v2i2.995


Economic resilience is one component of strengthening family resilience. In the cake village, almost all of her women work in the culinary field of making and selling cakes. This cake village was created originating from the number of women factory workers who were laid off. The majority of them are nomads from several areas in East Java. Instead of returning home due to termination of employment, these women then make a business in the culinary field. From the results of the experiment several times it turned out that the cake became a profitable commodity. At first, the home industry had stumbled and encountered obstacles, but now the cake entrepreneurs have managed to reap the rewards and even the cake has become a mainstay product. This study aims to describe how the role of women in building family economic resilience in the cake village. This study uses a qualitative method by interviewing women who are entrepreneurs of cakes in the village of Rungkut, Surabaya. The results of this study indicate that the role of women in building family economic resilience does not only affect the small families they foster, but it has a broad effect on the economic resilience of families in the cake village. The role of these women is as the backbone of the family, as partners of the husband, as agents of change and other women empowerers. Women are able to be involved and play a role in family economic security due to gender equality in the family. Keywords: Family Economic Resilience, Kampung Kue, Role of Women, Gender Equality.