E-Prodenta Journal of Dentistry
Vol 2, No 1 (2018)


Puspitasari, Ambar (Unknown)
Balbeid, Merlya (Unknown)
Adirhesa, Abdurrahman (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Jun 2018


ABSTRAK Salah satu bahan yang terkandung dalam pasta gigi adalah daun sirih. Fenol dan turunannya dalam minyak atsiri daun sirih dapat mengubah sifat protein sel bakteri dan menghambat pertumbuhan plak. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan penggunaan antara pasta gigi herbal dan pasta gigi non- herbal terhadap penurunan skor plak pada anak sekolah dasar. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah true eksperimental dengan pre- and post-test control grup design. Responden dilakukan pemeriksaan skor plak kemudian diberikan penyuluhan tentang cara sikat gigi menggunakan teknik roll. Responden dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok A diinstruksikan menyikat gigi menggunakan pasta gigi non-herbal dan kelompok B menggunakan pasta gigi herbal selama 14 hari dan dilakukan pemeriksaan skor plak kembali. Hasil: Hasil uji statistik T-berpasangan dalam setiap kelompok perlakuan menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05) sebelum dan setelah menyikat gigi menggunakan pasta gigi herbal dan pasta gigi non herbal. Nilai rata-rata penurunan akumulasi plak lebih besar pada kelompok pasta gigi herbal. Kesimpulan: Pasta gigi yang mengandung herbal daun sirih lebih menurunkan skor plak gigi dari pada pasta gigi non- herbal.Kata Kunci: plak, pasta gigi herbal, pasta gigi non-herbal, daun sirih                                                                                                       AbstractOne of the substances contained in toothpaste is piper betel leaves. Fenol and its derivative in attire oil of Piper betel leaves could change the protein characteristic of bacteria and inhibit the growth of dental plaque. Purpose: to determine the differences between herbal and non-herbal toothpaste on decreasing plaque score to the elementary children. Method: this experiment was true experimental with pre and post-test control group design. Respondent was examined plaque score and given counseling on how to brush teeth using roll technique. The respondents were divided into two groups. Group A was instructed brushing teeth using non-herbal toothpaste and group B using herbal toothpaste for 14 days and then continued with the examination of the plaque score again. Results:  Independent paired T-test in each group showed that there was a significant difference (p<0,05) before and after brushing using herbal toothpaste and non-herbal toothpaste. The mean reduction of plaque accumulation was greater on the group with herbal toothpaste. Conclusion: Toothpaste with herbal substances (Piper betel leaves) reduce more dental plaque score than non-herbal toothpaste. Keywords: plaque, herbal toothpaste, non-herbal toothpaste, Piper betel leaves

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Dentistry Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology


E-Prodenta Journal of Dentistry is a journal published by Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Brawijaya Malang. This journal is published periodically every six months. The E-Prodenta Journal of Dentistry presents the latest articles/manuscripts of knowledge, information and development on dental and ...