Fakultas Pertanian
Vol 4, No 1 (2016)


Km, Yis Wiyanto (Unknown)
Ahmadi, KGS (Unknown)
Rahmawati, Atina (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Jun 2019


Used cooking oil is cooking oil that has undergone changes due to physicochemical use repeatedly. This research aims to get type of adsorbent and concentration of adsorbents that may improve the quality of used cooking oil as well as examining the business feasibility of the economic process of the best adsorbent. Adsorbents used namely rice husk, corn cobs, coconut shell and palm shell. The design used in this study is nested design. Concentration each cooking oil adsorbent to treatment is 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% of the 250 ml used cooking oil.Theresearchresultsshowedcorn cobs adsorbent treatmentconcentrationof6%is the best of recovery oil 88%, the number of peroxides 10.53 meq/kg, FFA 1.02%, The test of oil color L 30.47, The intensity of the color a * 5.30, The intensity of color b * 15.37, Test your like 2.20 and the hedonic of color 2.23. Economic business feasibility analysis results BEP of 1,664 Units and BEP price of Rp 26,782.592. Cost of production Rp 9,477.222 and the selling price of Rp 16,100 (1 kg), the NPV of Rp 4,176.727, Net B/C of 1.47 while R/C ratio of 1.70, 15% IRR and Payback Period for 1.13 years. Minyak jelantah adalah minyak goreng yang telah mengalami perubahan fisikokimia akibat digunakan secara berulang kali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jenis adsorben dan konsentrasi adsorben yang dapat memperbaiki kualitas minyak goreng bekas serta mengkaji kelayakan ekonomi proses penjernihan minyak goreng bekas menggunakan jenis adsorben terbaik. Adsorben yang digunakan yaitu sekam padi, tongkol jagung, tempurung kelapa dan cangkang sawit. Rancangan yang digunakan rancangan tersarang (Nested Design). Konsentrasi masing-masing adsorben untuk menjernihkan minyak goreng bekas yaitu 2%, 4%, 6% dan 8% dari 250 ml minyak goreng bekas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan adsorben tongkol jagung konsentrasi 6% merupakan yang terbaik menghasilkan rendemen minyak 88%, bilangan peroksida 10,53 meq/kg, FFA 1,02 %, kecerahan warna L 30,47, intensitas warna a* 5,30, intensitas warna b* 15,37, uji kesukaan aroma 2,20 dan uji kesukaan warna 2,23. Hasil analisa kelayakan ekonomi diperoleh BEP sebesar 1,664 Unit dan BEP Harga Rp 26.782,592 . HPP sebesar Rp 9.477,222 dan harga jual sebesar Rp 16.100(1 kg) , NPV Rp 4.176,727, Net B/C sebesar 1,47 sedangkan R/C ratio sebesar 1,70, IRR 15% dan Payback Periode selama 1,13 tahun.

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