JE (Journal of Empowerment)
Vol 1, No 2 (2017): DESEMBER 2017


Cucu Solihah (Universitas Suryakancana)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Dec 2017


ABSTAKKetentuan harta dan peralihan harta dari pemilik harta (pewaris) kepada para ahli waris berlaku secara otomatis pasca kematian seseorang. Berlaku secara otomatis memberi arti bahwa pihak Pewaris tidak berhak mengatur harta pasca kematiannya demikian pula ahli waris tidak dapat menolak peralihan harta tersebut. Tujuan ditetapkannya ketentuan hukum waris dalam ajaran Islam tidak terlepas dari 5 tujuan hukum (maqodis syariah) yakni dalam rangka memelihara agama, jiwa, harta, keturunan, dan akal, selain itu terdapat keutamaan ketentuan hukum waris telah digariskan dalam ajaran Islam dengan lengkap dan sempurna, karena hakikat harta dalam Islam mutlak menjadi milik sang Tuhan semesta alam, sehingga sangat wajar Tuhanpun mempunyai aturan mengenai apa saja ruang lingkup harta waris, kepada siapa harta itu diberikan, berapa harta yang harus diberikan kepada masing-masing ahli waris, kapasitas manusia hanya menerima  amanah atas harta yang dititipkan kepada manusia.Terdapat ketentuan asas waris Islam yakni asas ijbari, bilateral, individual, keadilan berimbang,dan semata akibat kematian. ABSTRACTThe provisions of the transition property and property of the owner of the treasure (heir) to the heirs apply automatically post the death of someone. Applies automatically give the sense that the Successor is not entitled to set the property of post death similarly heirs can't resist the transition the treasure. The purpose of the establishment of the provisions of the law of inheritance in Islam is inseparable from the 5 goals of the law (Sharia maqodis) i.e. in order to nourish the soul, religion, property, offspring, and reason, besides there is the virtue of the provisions of the law of inheritance was outlined in the Islamic teachings with the complete and perfect, because of the nature of property in Islam absolutely belongs to the Lord of hosts, so that very reasonable Tuhanpun have rules on what the scope of the estate, to whom property is given, how many treasures that should be given to each of the heirs of human capacity, only accepting the mandate over the treasure that is deposited to the mankind. There are basic provisions of Islamic inheritance IE ijbari, bilateral basis, individual, fairness, balanced, and is solely a result of the death.

Copyrights © 2017

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JE (Journal of Empowerment) was formed based on the results of Suryakancana University Leaders Meeting on January 28, 2017, and was approved on April 8, 2017 in accordance with the Rector Decree Number 11 / SK / REK / UG / IV / 2017 regarding Appointment of Journal Manager of Community Service at ...