MMJ (Mahakam Midwifery Journal)
Vol 3 No 2 (2018): Vol. 3 No. 2 November 2018


Sofia Mawaddah (Unknown)
Chika Magfirah Muhtar (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Nov 2018


Abstract Background: Maternal weight gain during pregnancy indicates maternal adaptation fetal growth. The lack of weight gain during pregnancy is strongly correlated with decrease in birth weight. Nutritional status measured by weight gain during pregnancy found that the baby birth weight has positive correlation with the weight gain of pregnant women. Objective: To know the analysis relationship between weight gain of pregnant women and infant birth weight. Method: This research is quantitative study with observational analytic design and cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in one the Palangka Raya with sample of 72 respondents selected using consecutive sampling. The population in this study were mothers who had given birth at one Palangka Raya for the January-December 2017. The secondary data was recorded for the last education, parity, maternal weight at the beginning of the first trimester (≤12 weeks),pregnant woman weight before delivery and the baby birth weight, the data were analyzed by using the chi-square test. Results: The results of statistical tests obtained p-value= 0,000 and OR= 268,750). The more the weight gain of pregnant women, the more the baby's birth weight will increase. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between weight gain of pregnant women and infant birth weight. Keywords: Pregnancy, maternal weight gain, baby's birth weight. Abstrak Latar Belakang:Kenaikan berat badan ibu selama hamil menandakan adanya adaptasi ibu terhadap pertumbuhan janin. Kurangnya pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan berkorelasi kuat dengan penurunan berat lahir. Status gizi yang diukur berdasarkan kenaikan berat badan selama hamil didapatkan bahwa berat lahir bayi mempunyai korelasi positif dengan kenaikan berat badan ibu hamil. Tujuan:Diketahuinya analisis hubungan antara kenaikan berat badan ibu hamil dengan berat lahir bayi. Metode:Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan desain analitik observasional dan pendekatan menggunakan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu PMB Kota Palangka Raya dengan sampel berjumlah 72 responden yang dipilih menggunakan consecutive sampling. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu ibu yang telah bersalin di salah satu PMB Kota Palangka Raya periode Januari-Desember 2017. Dilakukan pencatatan data sekunder terhadap pendidikan terakhir,paritas,berat badan ibu pada awal kehamilan trimester I (≤12 minggu), berat badan ibu hamil menjelang persalinan dan berat lahir bayi, kemudian data tersebut dianalisis hubungannya dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil:Hasil uji statistik diperoleh nilai p-value=0,000 dan nilai OR=268,750). Jadi, semakin bertambah kenaikan berat badan ibu hamil,maka semakin bertambah pula berat lahir bayi. Kesimpulan:Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kenaikan berat badan ibu hamil dengan berat lahir bayi. Kata Kunci: Kehamilan, kenaikan berat badan ibu hamil, berat lahir bayi.

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology Nursing Public Health


MMJ (Mahakam Midwifery Journal) Jurnal Kebidanan was publish by the Poltekkes Kemenkes Kalimantan Timur on May and Nopember every year. This journal can publish research articles from midwifery. However, the focus and scope of your Healthy Journal are as follows: Midwifery ( Adolesence, Maternity: ...