Vol 9, No 2 (2017)

Aktivitas Antidiabetika Kombinasi Fraksi Etil Asetat Buah Pare (Momordica charantia L.) dan Rimpang

Zamzani, Irfan (Unknown)
Nugroho, Agung Endro (Unknown)
Widodo, Gunawan Pamudji (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 May 2019


Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.Diabetes Mellitus type 2 can be caused by the resistance of tissue towards insulin accompanied by relative deficiency in insulin secretion. Insulin resistance factor can result from obesity. This research aims to investigate anti- diabetic activity of the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Subjects of this research were 40 albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 5-8 weeks. The rats were randomly grouped into 8 experimental groups in which each group consisted of'5 rats. The tested animals were divided into 6 groups, KG) metformin 45 mg/Kg BB, P1: FEA curcuma 10 mg/ 200g BB, P2: FEA bitter melon 04 mg/ 200g BB, P3: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 5 : 0,8 mg/200g BB, P4: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon 10 : 04 mg/200g BB, and P5: Compound of FEA curcuma : FEA bitter melon (20 : 02mg9/200g BB). The animals were inducted with insulin resistance with the giving of HFD-fructose. Result showed that the compound of FEA of curcuma (Curcuma domestica Val) and FEA of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) had the activity of lowering blood glucose level: the best anti-diabetic activity was identified in the compound of FEA of curcuma and FEA of bitter melon at the dose of 20: 0,2m9g/200g BB in the rats with HFD- fructose.

Copyrights © 2017

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Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology


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