Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia
Vol 7, No 3 (2019): November 2019

Pengaruh Therapy Supportif Konsep Diri terhadap Konsep Diri Anak Sekolah Dasar

Aprida Manurung (Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas)
Budi Anna Keliat (Universitas Indonesia)
Ira Erwina (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Nov 2019


Permasalahan kenakalan anak usia sekolah yang sering terjadi adalah bolos, melangar peraturan sekolah, merokok, tauran hingga bully. Hal ini disebabkan karena saat perkembangan konsep diri anak mengalami kerancuan identitas, hingga depersonalisasi. Untuk mencegah hal itu maka diperlukan suatu tindakan preventif, salah satunya dengan melakukan therapy supportif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Therapy Supportif terhadap Konsep Diri dan perkembangan anak, dengan metode quasi eksperimental pre-post test with control group dan menggunakan kuesioner konsep diri. Sampel berjumlah 80, 40 Kelompok Intervensi dan 40 kontrol, mengunakan tehnik random sampling. Hasil penilitian  didapatkan ada pengaruh yang bermakna pada Therapy supporti terhadap perkembangan dan konsep diri, denga nilai rerata variabel perkembangan sebelum diberikan Therapy supportif pada kelompok intervensi 72,78 atau 77,45% dan nilai rerata setelah dilakukan therapy supportif  83 atau 88,32% dari nilai tersebut terjadi peningkatan perkembangan sebesar 10,22 (10,87%) yang artinya Therappy Supportif  memiliki pengaruh bermakna terhadap perkembangan anak, Sedangkan untuk nilai variabel konsep diri sebelum dilakukan terapi suportif pada kelompok intervensi 68,28 atau 72,63%, Setelah dilakukan Therapy Supportif  didapatkan nilai rerata 83,87 atau 89,22%, dari nilai tersebut dapat dianalisis bahwa terjadi peningkatan, sebesar 15,59 atau 22,84% yang artinya Therappy Supportif  memiliki pengaruh bermakna terhadap konsep diri anak Kata kunci: terapi supportif, konsep diri, anak sekolah dasar THE EFFECT OF THERAPY SUPPORTIVE SELF-CONCEPT AGAINSTCHILDREN'S CONCEPT OF BASIC SCHOOL ABSTRACTThe problem of delinquency in school-age children that often occurs is truancy, violating school rules, smoking, mixing, and bullying. This is because when the child's self-concept development experiences confusion in identity, to depersonalization. To prevent that, we need a preventive action, one of them is by doing supportive therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Supportive Therapy on Self-Concept and child development, with a quasi-experimental method of pre-post test with control group and using a self-concept questionnaire. Samples amounted to 80, 40 intervention groups and 40 controls, using random sampling techniques. The results of the study, found that there is a significant relationship in supportive therapy to development and supportive therapy in self-concept, with the average value of the development variables before being given supportive therapy in the intervention group 72.78 or 77.45% and the mean value after supportive therapy 83 or 88.32% of the value there was an increase in development of 10.22 (10.87%) which means that Therappy Supportive has a significant influence on children's development, while for the value of self-concept variables before supportive therapy in the intervention group 68.28 or 72, 63%, after supportive therapy, the mean value is 83.87 or 89.22%. From this value, it can be analyzed that there is an increase of 15.59 or 22.84%, which means that therapeutic support has a significant influence on the child's self-concept Keywords: supportive therapy, self-concept, elementary school children

Copyrights © 2019

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