Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia
Vol 14, No 3 (2008): (September 2008)


Wijopriono Wijopriono (Balai Riset Perikanan Laut, Muara Baru-Jakarta)
Mahiswara Mahiswara (Balai Riset Perikanan Laut, Muara Baru-Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Feb 2017


Pukat cincin merupakan alat tangkap utama perikanan pelagis di Laut Jawa dengan sasaran kelompok ikan pelagis kecil. Nelayan menggunakan mata jaring ukuran 19 mm (bagian kantong) dan 25 mm (bagian badan dan sayap). Sementara itu, pemerintah telah menetapkan ukuran mata jaring minimal 25 mm (bagian kantong) dan 51 mm (bagian sayap). Penelitian terhadap pukat cincin telah dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi selektivitas alat tangkap tersebut dan resistensi nelayan dalam menerapkan regulasi yang telah ditetapkan. Evaluasi selektivitas dilakukan melalui pendekatan karakteristik biometrik. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengetahui masalah resistensi nelayan terhadap regulasi. Berdasarkan pada perbandingan antara hubungan fungsional parameter biometrik ikan sasaran tangkap dan bukaan mata jaring, rentang ukuran panjang ikan yang terjerat telah diestimasi. Diketahui bahwa pada ukuran mata jaring yang sama, ikan dapat terjerat pada ukuran panjang cagak (FL) yang berbeda tergantung dari morfologi. Hasil estimasi maupun aktual ikan yang terjerat menunjukkan kecenderungan yang sama, di mana rata-rata ukuran D. russelli dan S. crumenophthalmus yang terjerat lebih kecil dari D. macrosoma maupun R. kanagurta. Fakta bahwa aktual rentang ukuran ikan yang terjerat 25% lebih kecil dan 13% lebih besar dari hasil estimasi. Hal ini, membuktikan ada pengaruh faktor konstruksi jaring, khususnya hanging ratio, dan perilaku ikan terhadap, selain ukuran mata jaring yang berpengaruh terhadap selektivitas. Masalah resistensi nelayan terhadap regulasi dibahas dalam tulisan ini. Purse seine is the main fishing gear for pelagic fisheries in Java Sea with target species of small pelagic fish. The fishers applied mesh size of 19 mm at the bunt and 25 mm at the body and wing. While, the government has established to use mesh size of not less than 25 mm for the bunt and 51 mm for the wing. Research on the purse seine was done to evaluate its selectivity and to identify technical problems related to the resistence of the fishers in applying mesh regulation issued. Selectivity was evaluated using biometric characteristic approach, while the technical problems were identified through interviews. Based on the comparison of functional relationships among biometric parameters of the target species against mesh opening, the ranges of fish size enmeshed were estimated. It was found that for the same mesh size, fishes can be enmeshed at different fork length (FL) depending on their morphology. Both estimated and actual fish enmeshed showed the same tendency, where average sizes of D. russelli and S. crumenophthalmus enmeshed were smaller than those of D. macrosoma and R. kanagurta. The fact that range of actual size was 25% smaller and 13% larger than that of estimated size. This result revealed the existing of factors other than mesh size that influenced the selectivity. These factors considered as net construction, especially hanging ratio, and fish behaviour. Technical problems related to the resistence of fishers to the mesh regulation issue were discussed in this paper.

Copyrights © 2008

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology


Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia accepts articles in the field of fisheries, both sea and inland public waters. The journal presents results of research resources, arrest, oceanography, environmental, environmental remediation and enrichment of fish ...