Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi
Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Juli-Desember

Pemecahan Masalah Usaha Dan Energi Dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Ditinjau Dari Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik

Nurwahyuningsih Nurwahyuningsih (Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Mataram)
Ahmad Harjono (Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Mataram)
Satutik Rahayu (Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Mataram)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Nov 2019


The research have three aimed that include : (1) examine the effect of guided project based learning toward problem solving, (2) examine the effect of guided critical thinking ability toward problem solving, and (3) examine the interaction between  project based leraning and critical thinking ability toward problem solving. This research is quasi experiment with factorial 2×2 design. The population is all of class XI MIPA in SMAN 1 Narmada. The sampling tehnique is cluster random sampling which XI MIPA 3 as experiment group with project based learning model and XI MPA 2 as control group with convensional model. Tehnique of collecting data of problem solving using essay test 7 question and collecting data of critical thinking ability using essay test 5 question. Data of research is normal and homogen that showed by  , χ2quantification≤ χ2tabel  = 9,17<11,07 and 5,17<11,07. Data of reserach is analysed by anava two way with SPSS 18.0.  The result of anava two way test showed  that : (1)  is 0,001  which H0A rejected and H1A accepted, that showed there is the effect of project based learning toward problem solving.  (2)  is 0,001<0,05 which H0B rejected and H1B accepted, that showed there is the effect of critical thinking ability toward problem solving. (3)  is 0,69 >  which  H0AB accepted dan H1AB rejected, that showed there is not interaction between project based  learning and critical thinking ability toward problem solving.

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Education Physics


Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT) merupakan wadah publikasi ilmiah bagi dosen, guru, mahasiswa, dan peneliti bidang fisika dan pembelajarannya, termasuk teknologi terapan dan teknologi pembelajaran yang sesuai. Terbit perdana pada tahun 2015 dan mulai tahun 2017 JPFT terbit 2 kali dalam ...