Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Perkantoran (JPManper)
Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Agustus 2016


Mulyono, Teguh (Unknown)
Meilani, Rini Intansari (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Aug 2016


Keunggulan sebuah institusi dalam mencapai setiap target yang telah ditetapkan, dipengaruhi,  salah satunya, oleh tingkat kompetesi para pegawainya. Berbasis data penelitian survey yang diperoleh dari 32 orang  pegawai  pada sebuah institusi pemerintahan, artikel ini membahas hasil penelitian yang ditujukan untuk mengetahui dampak dari program pelatihan terhadap tingkat kompetensi teknis pegawai. Hasil analisa data menunjukan bahwa program pelatihan berpengaruh positif terhadap kompetensi teknis terutama dalam hal kemampuan berpikir, mempengaruhi, mengelola, berprestasi dan bertindak. Untuk mengoptimalkan kompetensi teknis para pegawai, setiap elemen dalam program pelatihan terutama metode pelatihan, harus di rancang agar menarik, inovatif, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan para pegawai dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya.Kata Kunci : program pelatihan, kompetensi teknis THE IMPACT OF TRAINING PROGRAM ON EMPLOYEES? COMPETENCY LEVELSThe success of an institution in meeting each of the targets it has set is affected, among others, by the competency level of its employees. Based on data of survey research to 32 employees of a government institution, this article discusses the findings of the research aimed to find about the impact of training program on the technical employees? competency levels, especially in thinking skills, influencing others, competency levels of employees. The findings show that training program has a positive effect on managing, achieving, and taking action. To optimize the technical competency of employees, each element in the training program, ultimately the method, should be designed attractively and innovatively and in accordance with the needs of the employees in fulfilling their duties and functions. Keywords: trainingprogram, technical competency

Copyrights © 2016

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Social Sciences Other


This journal publishes research results on topics related to the teaching and learning of Office Management Education and other relevant fields of study, especially those carried out in the contexts of Vocational High Schools, higher education institutions, and workplaces. Major topics covered in ...