LEGITIMASI: Jurnal Hukum Pidana dan Politik Hukum
Vol 3, No 1 (2014)

Jejak Integrasi Indonesia Dari Kilometer Nol: Melacak Akar Budaya Nasional Bangsa

Abdul Jalil Salam (Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Jun 2014


The founders of the Indonesian people are well aware that the nations of Indonesia was built based on common history, common struggle, as well as the ideals of equality, freedom, security, justice and prosperity in the Republic of Indonesia, which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. In this context, the spirit of nationalism respects diversity, pluralism and diversity. In the globalization era, integration of the nation has faced challenges, because the dynamics of the development of the strategic environment have brought a new feel to the levels of interaction, interrelation and interdependence of society, nation and state. Another contributing factor is the shift value between the original nationalism is more oriented to political values and geo-political to the economic value and geo-economics. This value shift from the originally oriented to the importance of unity and unity to form a strong community of nations, be oriented to the accessibility of professionalism to improve the welfare and security for the sake of survival. In this position, the connection to the level of national unity outweighed by the benefit of a more personal nature.

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


The Legitimasi Journal (the Journal of Criminal and Political Law) published biannually in January and July, is published by the Faculty Shariah and Law UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Its purpose is to promote the study of criminal law and Islamic law in general and to discuss discourses of the ...