Al-Bukhari: Jurnal Ilmu Hadis
Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Januari - Juni 2018 M/ 1439H

الإشكالیة في الحدیث “إن الله خلق آدم على صورتھ”: أسبابھا وحلولھا

Ramli, Angraini binti (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Jul 2018


Hadith Innall?ha khalaqa Adam ?al? ??ratih, is one of hadith that has isyk?l (difficulties) or problems involving debates among scholars. Firstly, There are some scholars who argued that the problems in this hadith is because the pronunciation of ?al? ??ratih in this hadith is contrary to the Islamic faith. Secondly, Others argued that this hadith has a similarity with isr??iliy?t because in the Torah and the Gospel also found similar things in the creation of Adam. Thirdly, some scholars accept this hadith textually but interpreted it to another meaning in order fit with holiness of Allah. The fourth,opinion argue that damiror pronoun of words on ?al? ??ratih refer to Allah, either as interpretation the word of rahman or as an i??fah ta?r?fiyah and ikhti???iyah to Allah. The fifth, opinion argue that this damir refer to Adam. The sixth, opinion said that this damir returned to the owner face who was beaten as mentioned in the hadith is refer to the object which was hit, namely the face itself

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Religion Arts Social Sciences


Al-Bukhari: Jurnal Ilmu Hadis menerima, menyeleksi, dan menerbitkan karya tulis ilmiah dalam fokus dan ruang lingkup kajian Hadis dan Ilmu Hadis. ...