Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Vol 4, No 2 (2015)


Messah, Yunita A. (Unknown)
Bella, Rosmiyati A. (Unknown)
Lolo, Teguh A. S. (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Sep 2015


Kasus kecelakaan di Provinsi NTT yang terjadi dalam lima tahun terakhir berfluktuasi selama periode tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2013.Dari data terdapat lima jenis kecelakaan yaitu kecelakaan karena tergelincir, terpukul, terkena benda tajam/keras, kecelakaan karena kejatuhan benda, alat pengangkutan dan lalu lintas, jatuh dari ketinggian, dan kecelakaan karena aliran listrik, kebakaran dan ledakan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persentase penyebab kecelakaan yang paling sering terjadi dan mengetahui cara perusahaan dalam memberikan prioritas penanganan atau solusi jika terjadi kecelakaan kerja pada suatu proyek konstruksi gedung.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei kuisioner dengan jumlah sampel 19 perusahaan, di mana terdapat 2 perusahaan BUMN dan 17 perusahaan swasta nasional. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode AHP dengan bantuan Software Expert Choice. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 36,84 % disebabkan oleh jalan yang licin dan gelap, sedangkan karena pekerja tidak mengenakan topi pelindungsebesar 31.58 %. Untuk solusi pencegahan yaitu cara kerja harus dalam posisi yang benar, tetap hati-hati, teliti dan disiplin,dipasang tanda “Hati-hati, ada pekerjaan di atas”,dipasang jala pengaman di area bawah, dilarang membuang benda yang tidak terpakai ke bawah, penyimpanan peralatan pada tempatnya, mengangkat material/peralatan tidak melebihi batas muatan, pemasangan material/peralatan harus baik, dan cara mengangkat material/peralatan ke atas harus benar. Cases of work accidents in the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur that occurred in the last five years fluctuate during period from 2009 to 2013. From these data, there are five types of accidents are accidents due to slipping, hit, hit by sharp / hard, accidents due to falling objects, accidents due to tool transport and traffic, accidents due to falling from heights, and accidents due to electricity, fire and explosion. The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of the most frequent causes of accidents occurred in the building construction project and to find out how the company in giving priority treatment in case of an accident or a solution working on a project construction of building.This study uses a questionnaire survey the number of Samper 19 companies, where there are two state-owned companies and 17 national private companies. Results were analyzed data collection using AHP with the aid of Expert Choice Software. The results showed that 36.84%,hit by sharp / hard due to slippery roads and dark, because the workers were not wearing safety helmetof 31.58%. For priority prevention solutions provided by the company, which for this type of accident due to slip, hit, hit by sharp / hard, there are two priority prevention solutions that work the way should be in the position and the right attitude and workers must remain cautious, conscientious and disciplined, installed signs "Be careful, there are jobs at the top", needs to be installed safety nets in the area below, is prohibited from disposing objects unused down, placement of objects or equipment should be in place, lifting equipment does not exceed the load limits, installation material / equipment to be good and in place, and how to lift material / equipment up to be true.

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