Jurnal e-Biomedik
Vol 5, No 2 (2017): eBiomedik

Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak tinta cumi (squid ink) terhadap aterosklerosis

Nasution, Fajar M. (Unknown)
Mardia, Rina S. (Unknown)
Azri, Ayu (Unknown)
Hutabarat, Rido R. (Unknown)
Izza, Fadhila Al. (Unknown)
Asfur, Robitah (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Jun 2017


Abstract: Squid ink consists of DHI, DHICA, and 2-carboxyl indole that improve lipid profile and remove foam cells in blood vessel walls. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of squid ink on atherosclerosis-induced Wistar rats. This was an experimental study. We used randomized controlled trial with pre-post test design for lipid profile assessment and randomized post-test only control design for blood vessel evaluation (foam cells in layers of coronary artery). Samples were 27 Wistar rats, divided into three groups; all were atherosclerosis-induced with initial injection of 0.006mg iv adrenalin on day 1, followed by standard diet and egg yolk until day 30. Squid ink extract was given to group P1 and P2 on days 15-30 in different doses, but not to control group. Data were analyzed by using Saphiro-Wilk test and paired t-test. The results showed that P2 group had decreased means of total cholesterol (-33.62 mg/dl), triglyceride (-28.00 mg/dl), and LDL cholesterol (-28.16 mg/dl), but an increased mean of HDL cholesterol (11.60 mg/dl). There were decreased numbers of foam cells in the layers of coronary arteries of P1 and P2 group compared to the control group. Conclusion: Squid ink extract could lower total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL cholesterol levels, and increase HDL cholesterol level. Moreover, it could remove foam cells from the layers of coronary arteries.Keywords: squid ink, atherosclerosis, lipid profile, foam cells Asbtrak: Tinta cumi memiliki kandungan DHI, DHICA, dan 2-carboxyl indole yang dapat memperbaiki profil lipid dan mengurangi sel busa pembuluh darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak tinta cumi terhadap tikus yang diinduksi aterosklerosis. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental dengan randomized controlled with pre-post test design untuk penilaian profil lipid dan post test only design untuk penilaian pembuluh darah (sel busa dalam dinding arteri koronaria). Sampel terdiri dari 27 tikus Wistar jantan, dibagi secara random menjadi tiga kelompok; kesemuanya diberi induksi aterosklerosis dengan injeksi inisial adrenalin 0,006 mg iv pada hari ke-1, dilanjutkan diet standar dan diet kuning telur sampai hari ke-30. Tikus kelompok kontrol tidak diberikan ekstrak tinta cumi; tikus kelompok perlakuan 1 dan perlakuan 2 diberikan tambahan ekstrak tinta cumi pada hari ke 16 sampai hari ke 30 dengan dosis yang berbeda. Analisis data dengan uji Saphiro-Wilk dan uji paired t-test. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan penurunan rerata setelah perlakuan pada kelompok P2 ialah kolesterol total (-33,62 mg/dl), trigliserida (-28,00 mg/dl), dan kolesterol LDL (-28,16 mg/dl), serta peningkatan rerata kolesterol HDL (11,60 mg/dl). Terdapat penurunan jumlah sel busa kelompok perlakuan P1 dan P2 dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Simpulan: Pemberian ekstrak tinta cumi menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida dan kolesterol LDL, meningkatkan kadar kolesterol HDL, serta menurunkan jumlah sel busa dalam dinding arteri koronaria.Kata kunci: tinta cumi, aterosklerosis, profil lipid, sel busa

Copyrights © 2017

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