MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan)
Volume 24, No. 1, Year 2008

Identifikasi Sektor Potensial Penggerak Kegiatan Ekonomi Kecamatan Kurang Berkembang di Kab. Tangerang

Asep Hariyanto (Program Studi Teknik Planologi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Bandung (S1 – Akreditasi B/2014))
Dadan Mukhsin (Program Studi Teknik Planologi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Bandung (S1 – Akreditasi B/2014))

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Jun 2008


The success of regional development depend on some factors, especially economic activity. This study tries to illustrate potential economic factors to develop household economy over several sub-districts of Tangerang, particularly in less developed area. Several approach were carried out, i.e. economic, social, and physical, by employing some analysis methods such as Location Quotient, Shift Share, and SWOT Analysis. This study has found promising sectors to be developed in less economy capability subdistricts of Tangerang. Those sectors are food crop, fishery, farming, natural-based tourism, pilgrimage, small and medium scale industries.

Copyrights © 2008

Journal Info





Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


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