Vol 17, No 1 (2011)


Demmassabu, Sofia (Unknown)
Tulung, Stella (Unknown)
Sumayku, Bertje (Unknown)
Supit, Paula Ch. (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Apr 2011


Research objectives were to study the interaction between fertilizing time and potasium fertilizer dosageand to evaluate the use of ash of copra fumigation to be potasium fertilizer substitute to increasingcarrot production. Randomized block design was used. The treatment was combination time ofapplication and dosage of fertilizer. Each treatment was repeated three times. The first factor was thetime of application consisted of the application at planting (A1) and application after two weeks (A2).The second factor was fertilizer dosage consisted of 100 % recomended potasium + 0 % ash of coprafumigation (B1), 75% recomended potasium + 25 % ash of copra fumigation (B2), 50% recomandedpotasium + 50 % ash of copra fumigation (B3), 25% recomanded potasium + 75 % ash of coprafumigation (B4), 0% recomanded potasium + 100% ash of copra fumigation (B5). Observed variableswere length of bulb (cm) , bulb diameter (cm), tuber fresh weight at haverst (g) and bulb yield per plot.The result showed that there was no interaction between time and dosage of fertilizer. Similarly, singlefactor both time and dosage of fertilizer did not affect the production of carrot. ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pengaruh interaksi antara waktu pemberian dan dosis pupukkalium terhadap produksi tanaman wortel, dan mempelajari kemungkinan subtitusi pupuk kaliumdengan abu pengasapan kopra terhadap produksi tanaman wortel.Penelitian ini menggunakanrancangan acak kelompok dengan perlakuan kombinasi antara waktu aplikasi dan dosis pupuk kaliumyang di ulang 3 kali. Perlakuan tersebut adalah:Faktor A : waktu aplikasi yang terdiri dari 2 taraf, yaituA1 adalah aplikasi saat tanam dan A2 adalah aplikasi 2 minggu setelah tanam.Faktor B : dosis pupukyang terdiri dari 5 taraf yaitu: B1 = 100% Kalium anjuran + 0% abu pengasapan kopra, B2 = 75% kaliumanjuran + 25% abu pengasapan kopra, B3 = 50% kalium anjuran + 50 % abu pengasapan kopra, B4 =25% kalium anjuran + 75% abu pengasapan kopra, B5 = 0% Kalium anjuran + 100 % abu pengasapankopra, Variabel yang diamati : panjang umbi (cm), Diameter umbi (cm), berat segar umbi saat panen (g)dan hasil umbi per petak . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi antara waktupemberian dan dosis pupuk terhadap variabel-variabel yang diamati : Panjang umbi, diameter umbi,berat segar umbi dan hasil umbi per petak. Demikian pula sebagai faktor tunggal baik waktu pemberianmaupun dosis pupuk tidak berpengaruh terhadap produksi tanam wortel.

Copyrights © 2011

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


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