Ilmu Keolahragaan
Vol 8, No 1 (2013)

Ergogenic aids dan Performa Latihan

Anna Noordia, (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Feb 2013


Abstract : An athletewillstrive for excellence, bealeader inthefieldsportschampionship. Increasinglycompetitiverivalryin the race forvictoryencouragesathletestotry harderimprovehisstrengthandendurance, increases the durationof training, overcoming injuriesand avoiddisease. Some of these factorsare involvedin athletesÂ’ decisionstochooseergogenicaidsas an effortto improve the performanceof their exercise. Unfortunately, the lackof knowledgeand/ormisconceptionsregardingergogenicaids, especially in terms ofsupplementsinthe athletepopulationhas beendocumentedfor over adecade. An athlete chose ergogenic aids without gathering reliable information only on the recommendation directly from retailers, parents, guardians and internet sites. Athletes need to understand more about ergogenic aids correctly so that they can improve their ability to make correct decisions in choosing and using ergogenic aids to improve their exercise performance.   Key words: ergogenic aids, suplemen, performa atlet

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