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Analisis Gerakan tendangan sabit pada cabang olahraga pencak silat Heri Wahyudi,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 7, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract : Factors that affect the martial in execute hook kick in order to obtain maximal speed. The speed of kick technique, agility, also concentration degree affect this speed. One of the factor that lack of attention in execute hook kick is the angle of kick, body declivity and front knee. Coordination between basic technique and angle of kick must get attention, since those movement is simultaneous kick. Formulation of the problem posed in this study were: (1) What is the magnitude of the body segment angle and rotation angle sweeping crescent kick that produce energy, style, and speed of crescent kicks to the fighter category greatest heights high? (2) What is the magnitude of the body segment angle and rotation angle sweeping crescent kick that produce energy, style, and speed of crescent kicks greatest fighter category at low heights? Purpose of this study were (1) Determine measurement analysis of the body segment angles, speed, energy, great style kicks, crescent kicks sweep angle of rotation in sports martial arts categories of high stature. (2) Determine the results of measurement analysis of body segment angles, speed, power, great style kicks, crescent kicks sweep angle of rotation in sports martial arts categories of low height. Method that used in these research is descriptive analysis, that is analyse and serve fact sistmatically until easier to understanding and conclude. These research helped by dartfish program, that a software that essentially needed by someone in measure something that can not by eyes. For this research using dartfish with analyzer facility so that can analyze other movement that seen from the body segment angle, movement line, speed, time, also movement. Conclusions from this research is Based on the category of high stature, at an angle of 103.5 0 ≥ crescent kick and corner kick crescent sweep rotation ≤ 150.62 0 to generate the energy, style, and speed of most large crescent kick and quickly and to produce a significant backlash . Under the category of low height, on the corner of crescent kicks 0 ≤ 119.24 and rotation angle sweep of crescent kicks 0 ≤ 163.88 that produce energy, style, and speed of most large crescent kick and quickly and to produce a significant backlash.
Cedera persendian lutut pada atlet Roy Januardi Irawan,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 7, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract : Knee joint is a very importantjoint in the body, because in addition to functioning as a motion whichis quite high mobility, as well as the support body weight while standing. This increases the chance for injury to the areaduring practice and competition. Injuries to the knee joint can be caused by trauma (impact), arthritis, oreveryday activities excessive, and therefore a complaint of pain in the knee of the most widely felt. Perceivedcomplaints vary, ranging from minor complaints to severe, depending on the severity of the injury. In this article will discuss the anatomy of the knee joint, knee joint injurycauses, prevention, the first aid on the injury, and post-injury orrehabilitation.
Peran asam laktat pada nyeri otot rangka setelah latihan fisik Dita Yuliastrid,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 7, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract : Lactic acid is produced during intense levels of exercise when the oxygen demands of the muscle fibers increase beyond what the blood is capable of delivering. To produce the energy needed, the body begins another process, which works in the absence of oxygen. Lactic acid—a byproduct of this process—locks up your muscles, and because it is an acid it causes your muscles to experience that burning sensation. But lactic acid is completely washed out of the muscles within 30 to 60 minutes after finish the exercise.Since muscle soreness does not show up until 24 to 36 hours later. Over the 24 hours, the damaged muscle becomes swollen and sore. Chemical irritants are released from the damaged muscles and can irritate pain receptors. In addition to the injured fibers, there is increased blood flow from increased activity to the muscle, causing a swelling of the muscle tissues, which causes enough pressure to stimulate pain receptors. Instead of having free-moving muscle fibers the next morning, the fibers that are fatigued, have microscopic tears and are swollen. Key words : lactic acid, skeletal muscle soreness
Studi tentang jenis penelitian skripsi mahasiswa ilmu keolahragaan yang berkategori analisis gerak Elok Sudibyo,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 7, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract: This stuy aima to determine the types of research in sports science students S1 theses (in this case the students are expected to hold a sports degree), especially to determine the percentage of students’ S1 thesis which are categorized as  motion analysis. The data in this research were obtained through the study of documentation, by analyzing the students’ S1 thesis which is documented in the library of S1 Sport Science study program. The study was conducted in December 2011. There are 219 S1 thesis titles obtained in the library. The result of study shows that the types of students’ S1 thesis has been done can be categorized as follows: 22,83% (correlation), 30,14% (contribution), 14,16% (quasi experiment), 8.22% (study of comparative), 10,05% (survey), 5.02% (motion analysis), and the remaining 9.59% (profiles, the game statistics, development of instruments, etc.). Based on the classification is shown that the students thesis which are categorized as motion analysis is still very low, that percentage is only 5,02%
Pengaruh obat amfetamin pada olahraga balap sepeda Ananda Perwira Bakti,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract : Doping is a substance or prohibited substances and methods to increase performance in sports that are not associated with a medical indication. Drug doping is a group that included stimulant, narcotic analgesics, anabolic steroid group, class betabloker, class of diuretics, and peptide groups hormons and analogues. Selection of amphetamines (stimulants) based on the number of athletes who abuse these types of drugs, especially in the branch of cycling. Amphetamines are substances that stimulate the central nervous system works. The use of amphetamines often consumed cyclist can cause effects such as increased alertness, reduce drowsiness, reduced fatigue, and increased motor activity (physical performance).   Key words : doping, amphetamines, cyclist.
Ergogenic aids dan Performa Latihan Anna Noordia,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract : An athletewillstrive for excellence, bealeader inthefieldsportschampionship. Increasinglycompetitiverivalryin the race forvictoryencouragesathletestotry harderimprovehisstrengthandendurance, increases the durationof training, overcoming injuriesand avoiddisease. Some of these factorsare involvedin athletes’ decisionstochooseergogenicaidsas an effortto improve the performanceof their exercise. Unfortunately, the lackof knowledgeand/ormisconceptionsregardingergogenicaids, especially in terms ofsupplementsinthe athletepopulationhas beendocumentedfor over adecade. An athlete chose ergogenic aids without gathering reliable information only on the recommendation directly from retailers, parents, guardians and internet sites. Athletes need to understand more about ergogenic aids correctly so that they can improve their ability to make correct decisions in choosing and using ergogenic aids to improve their exercise performance.   Key words: ergogenic aids, suplemen, performa atlet
Hubungan vo2max dengan kecepatan pemulihan asam laktat setelah latihan fisik submaksimal Dita Yuliastrid,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract :VO2 reflects one’s fitness level as a capital for a good athlete besides motivation and basic movement. A high VO2 max can inhibits fatigue caused by accumulated lactic acid in blood. The purpose of this research is to find out the correlation between VO2 max and the velocity of lactate acid recovery after sub maximum physical exercise. The samples were 20 people, divided into two groups, each groups consisted of 10 persons. The first group (untrained) had VO2 max 35-40 ml/kg/min and the second (trained) had 55-60 ml/kg/min. Both groups did sub maximum physical exercise (85% HRM) using ergocycle. The blood lactic acid level was taken as the data from the fingertips three times; before the exercise, after 5 minutes and 15 minutes recovery. The average of group 1’s initial lactic acid was 1.86 ± 0.1955 mMol/l and group 2 was 1.55 ± 0.2014 mMol/l; the average lactic acid after 5 minutes recovery of group 1 was 6.61 ± 0.4408 mMol/l and group 2 was 5.62 ± 0.3994  mMol/l; after 15 minutes recovery, group 1 was 5.96 ± 0.568 mMol/l and group 2 was 2.85± 0.7821 mMol/l. The average decrease of group 1’s lactic acid was 0.650 ± 0.369 mMol/l and group 2 was 2.770 ± 0.693   mMol/l. The pace of group 1’s lactate decrease was  6.5x10-2 ± 3.69 x 10-2 mMol/l minutes and group 2 was 0.277 ± 6.93 x 10-2 mMol/lminutes. The result of ANAVA univariate test showed that the difference of the lactic acid decrease and the recovery pace between group 1 and 2 was very significant (p<0.05) and R Square value was 0,836. There was corelation between VO2 max and the velocity of lactic acid recovery after sub maximum physical exercises ;and the recovery of blood lactic acid level after sub maximum physical exercise was faster in a group with 55-60 ml/kg/min of  VO2 max than in a group with 35-40 ml/kg/min of  VO2 max.   Key words : VO2 max, lactic acid, sub maximum physical exercises.
Peranan masase selama pertandingan Joesoef Roepajadi,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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ABSTRAK          Masase merupakan salah satu penunjang dalam meningkatkan performa atlet,  selain itu untuk mengatasi cedera dan gangguan fisik lainnya akibat kerja fisik dengan intensitas tinggi. Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari pengaruh masase maka perlakuannya harus melalui prosedur yang benar yaitu masase pra, intra dan post activity. Masase ini bertujuan memberikan efek mekanis dan fisiologis. Penggunaan masase selama pertandingan, teknik manipulasi yang digunakan harus dapat  memenuhi tujuan tersebut. Atlet, pelatih, masseur/masseuse/terapis hendaknya bersinergis dalam menunjang prestasi atlet karena masase yang tepat dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi upaya peningkatan prestasi olahraga. Kata Kunci : Masase, Pertandingan.
Kemampuan mahasiswa ikor Unesa dalam melakukan analisis mekanika olahraga Elok Sudibyo, ; Budi Jatmiko, ; Wahono Widodo,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Pengaruh latihan fisik terhadap kepadatan matrik tulang atlet remaja wanita Elfia Rosyida,
Ilmu Keolahragaan Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Abstract : Exercise may be the most important  environmental factor that can increase peak bone mass. Adequate estrogen levels are necessary for maintenance ofbone strenght. The bone mass of puberty female athlete decrease because of chronic physical activity. Status of estrogen in puberty periode has highest level, but it can decrease because of chronic physical activity. This article use methode by searching data from Pubmed with keyword  physical training”,“exercise”, “adolescent female”,”estrogen”,“growth”, “bone” , dan “ epiphyseal plate”. Hard physical activity give overload for bone especially can caused injury in epiphyseal cartilage.Extremes of exercise training produce negative effects on bone owing to decreases in estrogen. Low level of estrogen can not maintenance integrity of bone. . Key word : physical training,  exercise,  adolescent female, estrogen, growth,  bone , epiphyseal plate

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