Volume 12, No. 1, Januari 2017

Stigma Masyarakat Terhadap ODHA Di Kota Kupang Provinsi NTT

Hati, Konstantinus (Unknown)
Shaluhiyah, Zahroh (Unknown)
Suryoputro, Antono (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Jan 2017


Menurut UNAIDS 2006 jumlah ODHA di dunia mencapai 39,4 juta, dewasa 37,2 juta, dan anak-anak <15 tahun 2,3 juta. Survey jaringan kerja ASIA-PASIFIK 2006 bahwa ODHA mengalami stigma dan diskriminasi dalam masyarakat sebesar 5-95%. Survey BPS 2009 bahwa ODHA mengalami stigma dan diskriminasi dalam masyarakat sebesar 50-80%. Di NTT sejak tahun 1997-2013, menurut KPA NTT ODHA yang meninggal 443 orang dan yang ditolak keluarga ada 8 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap stigma yang diberikan masyarakat terhadap ODHA di Kota kupang. Metode: deskriptif survey analitik research pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross secsional. Melakukan wawancara terhadap 382 Kepala Keluarga. Analisis data menggunakan uji univariat, bivariat dan multivariate. Hasil menunjukan terdapat 56,0% stigma rendah dan 44.0 % stigma tinggi terhadap ODHA.  Variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap stigma masyarakat terhadap ODHA yaitu Pengetahuan, persepsi tentang HIV-AIDS dan sikap KK, sikap keluarga besar, sikap tetangga, sikap tenaga kesehatan dan sikap tokoh masyarakat terhadap ODHA dengan tingkat probabilitas memberikan stigma terhadap ODHA sebesar 81.72%.According to UNAIDS 2006 that PLWHA in the world reached 39.4 million, 37.2 million adults and children <15 years 2.3 million. ASIA-PACIFIC network survey in 2006 that PLWHA experience stigma and discrimination in the family, community and in health care by 5-95%. BPS Research in 2009 that PLWHA experience stigma and discrimination within the family, community, neighbors, workplaces and health care by 50-80%. NTT since 1997-2013, according to NTT KPA PLWHA who have died and 443 people were rejected by the family of 8 people. The aim of this study was to know about factors that influence a given society stigma against PLWHA in Kupang City. The method of this research is Analitic survey descriptive quantitative approach with cross secsional design. Conducted interviews with 382 head of familys. Analysis of test data using univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results shows that here are 56,0% low stigma and 44.0% high stigma to PLWHA. The variables to determinant on the community stigma to PLWHA are Knowledge, perceptions about HIV/AIDS, the head of family attitudes, the big family attitude, the neighbor attitude, the attitude of health professionals, attitude of community leaders among PLHIV  with a probability level of stigma towards PLWHA by providing 81.72%.

Copyrights © 2017

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Public Health


The articles of this journal are published every six months, that is on January and August (2 issues per year), and developed by the Master Program of Health Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro ...