Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran
Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Juni


andika, yulia wahyu (Sebelas Maret University)

Article Info

Publish Date
14 Jul 2014


ABSTRACTYulia Wahyu Andika, THE EFFECT OF SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE AVAILABILITY AND LEARNING SPATIAL LAYOUT ON LEARNING INTERESTS IN THE OFFICE ADMINISTRATIONS DEPARTMENT STUDENTS OF SMK MURNI 2 SURAKARTA IN SCHOOL YEAR OF 2013/2014, Skripsi : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, June 2014.The objective of this research was to find out: (1) how much was the effect of school infrastructure availability on learning interests in the Office Administrations Department students of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta in School Year of 2013/2014, (2) how much was the effect of learning spatial layout on learning interests in the Office Administrations Department students of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta in School Year of 2013/2014, and (3) how much was the effect of school infrastructure availability and learning spatial layout on learning interests in the Office Administrations Department students of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta in School Year of 2013/2014.This research used the descriptive quantitative research method. The population of research was all of Office Administrations Department students of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta in School Year of 2013/2014 consisting of 64 students. The sample consisted of 39 students. The sampling technique used was proportional stratified random sampling. Meanwhile, techniques of collecting data used were questionnaire and documentation. Technique of analyzing data used was statistical test with correlation and multiple regression analyses.Considering the result of data analysis, it could be concluded that: (1) there was a significant effect by 0,003 of school infrastructure availability on learning interests in the Office Administrations Department students of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta in School Year of 2013/2014, (2) there was a significant effect by 0,005 of learning spatial layout on learning interests in the Office Administrations Department students of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta in School Year of 2013/2014, and (3) there was a significant effect by 0,001 of school infrastructure availability and learning spatial layout on learning interests in the Office Administrations Department students of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta in School Year of 2013/2014. The multiple linear regression was ?=29.432 + 0.429 X1 + 0.235 X2. The relative contribution (X1) to (Y) was 53.46% and that of (X2) to (Y) was 46.54%. Meanwhile the effective contribution of (X1) to (Y) was 18.12% and that of (X2) to (Y) was 15.78%.Keywords: school infrastructure, learning spatial layout, and learning interest.

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