Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (Maquares)
Vol 6, No 3 (2017): MAQUARES


Hutami, Ganjar Hesti (Unknown)
Muskananfola, Max Rudolf (Unknown)
Sulardiono, Bambang (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Apr 2018


ABSTRAKPerairan Bedono merupakan perairan bermangrove yang ada di Desa Bedono Kabupaten Demak. Kandungan nutrien yang ada di perairan ekosistem mangrove membuat ekosistem ini kaya akan unsur hara. Konsentrasi unsur hara sangat mempengaruhi kelimpahan biota yang ada di kawasan tersebut termasuk fitoplankton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas perairan berdasarkan kelimpahan fitoplankton dan nitrat fosfat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari-Februari 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik purposive sampling. Stasiun penelitian dibagi 3 stasiun dengan ulangan 3 kali. Pengambilan sampel fitoplankton menggunakan plankton net dengan mesh size 25 μm. Pengukuran parameter fisika kimia perairan dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengambilan sampel fitoplankton. Hasil analisis parameter fisika kimia air selama penelitian diperoleh temperatur air (27-31°C), kecerahan (7-44 cm), kedalaman (31-189 cm), kecepatan arus (0,03-0,4 m/s). pH 7, oksigen terlarut (1,2-7,2 mg/l), CO2 (1,2-19,6 mg/l), salinitas (9-31), nitrat (1,6-7,8 mg/l), dan fosfat (0,11-4,54 mg/l). Fitoplankton yang teridentifikasi terdiri dari 18 genera. Kelimpahan fitoplankton tiap stasiun berkisar antara 1168-9045 ind/liter, keanekaragaman (0,15-2,08), keseragaman (0,07-0,99), dan dominasi (0,14-1,00). Hasil uji regresi linier menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi nitrat lebih berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan fitoplankton dengan nilai t hitung 2,743 dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi fosfat dengan t hitung 2,374. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Perairan; Kelimpahan Fitoplankton; Nitrat; Fosfat; Perairan Bedono ABSTRACTBedono waters is one of the existing mangrove waters in the Demak Regency. The content of nutrients in the waters of mangrove ecosystems make this ecosystem rich in nutrients. Nutrient concentrations greatly affect the abundance of biota present in the region including phytoplankton. In addition to nutrients, water quality factors are also important to support the life of phytoplankton. This study aims to determine the quality of waters based on the abundance of phytoplankton and nitrate phosphate. This research was conducted in January-February 2017. The method used is descriptive method with purposive sampling technique. The research station is divided into 3 stations based on the tides, then each station is determined 3 point sampling. Sampling of phytoplankton using plankton net with mesh size 25 pm. Measurements of water chemistry physics parameters were performed simultaneously with phytoplankton sampling. The results of analysis of water chemistry physics parameters during the study obtained water temperature (27-31 ° C), brightness (7-44 cm), depth (31-189 cm), current velocity (0.03-0.4 m / s). PH 7, dissolved oxygen (1.2-7.2 mg / l), CO2 (1.2-19.6 mg / l), salinity (9-31), nitrate (1.6-7.8 mg / L), and phosphate (0.11-4.54 mg / l). The identified phytoplankton consists of 18 genera. The phytoplankton abundance of each station ranged from 1168-9045 ind / liter, diversity (0.15-2.08),uniformity (0.07-0.99), and dominance (0.14-1.00). The result of linear regression test showed that nitrate concentration had more influence to phytoplankton abundance with 2,743 value compared to phosphate concentration 2,374. Keywords: Water Quality; Abundance of Phytoplankton; Nitrate; Phosphate; The waters of Bedono

Copyrights © 2017

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Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management


Jurnal Management of Aquatic Resources diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Departemen Sumberdaya Akuatik, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Diponegoro. Jurnal Management of Aquatic Resources menerima artikel-artikel mengenai bidang perikanan, manajemen ...