Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology
Volume 3, Nomor 4, Tahun 2014


Andreas, Sigmund Qory (Unknown)
Suminto, - (Unknown)
Chilmawati, Diana (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Oct 2014


Di dalam kultur massal Chlorella sp. sering terjadi penurunan jumlah sel secara drastis dan lama fase stasioner berselang kurang dari satu hari. Hal  ini diduga karena terjadi hubungan tertutup antara bakteri kontaminan dengan Chlorella sp. di dalam kulturnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membersihkan Chlorella sp. dari bakteri kontaminan menggunakan teknologi pencucian bibit sel, sehingga dapat memperbaiki pola pertumbuhan dan kualitas sel yang dihasilkan. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, menggunakan RAL dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan itu adalah Chlorella sp. yang dikultur dengan tanpa pencucian bibit sel (A), dengan 1 kali pencucian (B), dengan 2 kali pencucian (C), dan dengan 3 kali pencucian (D). Variabel yang diamati yaitu pola pertumbuhan yang terdiri dari waktu adaptasi, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, lama waktu stasioner, kepadatan sel maksimum, kepadatan akhir kultur, dan kualitas sel dengan kandungan proteinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pencucian bibit sel berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap pola pertumbuhan sel Chlorella sp., terutama pada lama waktu fase stasioner dan nilai kepadatan maksimum sel. Lama waktu fase stasioner pada bibit sel yang mengalami pencucian 3 kali terjadi selama 5,5 hari (D), lebih lama dibandingkan dengan tanpa pencucian bibit sel yaitu selama 2 hari (A) dan kepadatan maksimum sel Chlorella sp. perlakuan D (5,2 X 107 sel/ml), lebih banyak dibandingkan perlakuan A (1,4 X 107sel/ml). Kandungan protein sel Chlorella sp. pada perlakuan A (52,52 %) lebih rendah dibandingkan pada perlakuan D (54,93%). Dari hasil tersebut di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pencucian bibit sel dapat memperbaiki pola pertumbuhan dan kandungan protein Chlorella sp. pada kulturnya. Mass culture of Chlorella sp. often occurred drastic decrease in the number of cells and a long in the stationary phase which less than one day. It is assumed that due to close correlation of bacterial contaminants on to Chlorella sp. cells in the culture. The aim of this study was cleaned seed cells of Chlorella sp. from the bacterial contaminants by washing cells technology so as to improve the growth pattern and quality of Chlorella cells. The experiment method was employed in this research. There was Completely Randomized Design method with 4 treatments and 4 replicaties, respectively. Those treatments were Chlorella sp. cells cultured with seed cells without washed (A), with one time washed (B), with two times washed (C) and with three times washed (D). Variables observed were growth pattern of Chlorella sp. cells ie: lag phase, specific growth rate, a long time of stationary phase, maximum cells density and the end of culture density, and cells quality with their protein content. The results showed that cells seed washing was significantly effect (p <0.05) on the growth pattern of Chlorella sp. cells, as specialy on the a long time of stationary phase and maximum density. The stationary phase for treatment which washed three times was 5.5 days, longer than the unwashed (2 days). Either on the cell maximum density that higher on treatment D (5.2 X 107 cell/ml) than treatment A (1.4 X 107cell/ml). The protein content also higher on treatment D (54.93%) than treatment A (52.52%). Those could be concluded that cells seed washing to maximalised the growth patterns and protein content of Chlorella sp. cells in culture.

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Other


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