Buletin Al-Turas
Vol 20, No 1 (2014): Buletin Al-Turas

The Influence of Shari’ah Inspired Regulations on The Life of The Community in Tangerang

Kamil, Sukron (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Jan 2014


AbtraksPenelitian ini membahas tentang penelitian yang diadakan oleh pusat kajian agamadan budaya Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta terhadap beberapa nuansa syariah hukum Islam di kota Tangerang. Masalah hukum yang menjadi pertanyaan dalam pelarangan prostitusi (no 8/2005), hukum perkawinan sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam kompilasi hukum Islam (KHI), dan peraturan agama termasuk keputusan mengenai aliran Ahmadiyah. Hasil temuan penelitian menyatakan bahwa secara hukum dianggap tidak saja memberi dampak negatif, namun juga positif. Peraturan keagamaan secara umum cenderung melanggar kebebasan beragama dan bahkan mengancam kebebasan akademik, khususnya isu mengenai. Keputusan bersama menteri telah memengaruhi bentuk forum kerukunan umat beragama (FKUB), mengalami deskriminasi, misalnya tentang konstruksi penempatan tempat-tempat ibadah bagi para pemeluk agama minoritas. Perda no.8/2005 mengenai prostitusi di kota tangerang tidak saja berdampak pada penurunan prostitusi, namun juga berakibat pada masalah pelanggaran hak-hak perempuan (mereka saat ini tidak berani keluar rumah setelah jam 10 malam) dan kebebasan berpendapat. Meskipun draf hukum telah dimusyawarahkan dengan tokoh masyarakat.---AbstractThe presentation will discuss the findings of a research that was carried out by the Center for the Study of Religion and Culture of the State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on several Shariah-nuanced bylaws of Tangerang City (which was funded by Respect). The bylaws in question are those on the Prohibition of Prostitution (no 8/2005), the Marriage Law as stipulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), and regulations on religion including the decree concerning the Ahmadiyah. The main findings of the research are that the bylaws have negative but also positive impacts. The joint Ministerial Decree has been influential in the formation of the Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama FKBU, Forum for Religious Harmony) but has been discriminatorial in matters such as the construction of places for religious worship for adherents of minority religions. The Perda No. 8/2005 on prostitution in the City of Tangerang has indeed resulted in reducing prostitution but has also resulted in the violation of women’s civil rights (they are now afraid to be active outside the house after 10 o’clock at night) and their freedom of expression and academic freedom. Although the draft of the bylaw was discussed with figures in society, the law was socialized in a top-down manner.

Copyrights © 2014

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Arts Humanities Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


JOURNAL BULETIN ALTURAS (ISSN 0853-1692; E-ISSN: 2579-5848) is open access journal that is published by Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It serves to disseminate research and practical articles that relating to the current issues on the study of history, literature, ...