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LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 3, No 2 (2008): LiNGUA
Publisher : Laboratorium Informasi & Publikasi Fakultas Humaniora UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/ling.v3i2.580


Though the tradition of classic Arab was not prose, the Arabic fiction prose has developed since the end of Umayya Dinasty. The factors contributing to this development are the Qur’an that contains many stories and translation of fiction from Persian. Started from folklore and then translation, the Arabic fiction developed rapidly, followed by the publishing of short novels. Furthermore, there was a kind of fiction called maqamat.  The Arabic fiction developed in the classic period in the East of Arab was romantic fiction, while at the West part of Arab the development of classical fiction was marked by the works of romantic fictions by Ibn Al-Syahid and philosophical romantic fiction by Ibn Thufail. In modern era Arabic fiction was characterized with the translated works of Al Thanthawi. Then it was developed further by Al-Manfaluthi, a poet of classic and romantic. Novel Zainab by Husein Haikal indicated the birth of modern novels, followed by Taufik Hakim. Thaha Husein also developed Arabic fiction works that are still read nowadays. However, through Najib Mahfudz’s various works ranging from historical romantic, realist, and philosophical symbolic, the Arabic fiction claimed the world’s acknowledgement. The most recent trend of Arabic fiction is that the metaphysical and inter-textual novels come into light.
The Influence of Shari’ah Inspired Regulations on The Life of The Community in Tangerang Kamil, Sukron
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 20, No 1 (2014): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.685 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v20i1.3754


AbtraksPenelitian ini membahas tentang penelitian yang diadakan oleh pusat kajian agamadan budaya Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta terhadap beberapa nuansa syariah hukum Islam di kota Tangerang. Masalah hukum yang menjadi pertanyaan dalam pelarangan prostitusi (no 8/2005), hukum perkawinan sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam kompilasi hukum Islam (KHI), dan peraturan agama termasuk keputusan mengenai aliran Ahmadiyah. Hasil temuan penelitian menyatakan bahwa secara hukum dianggap tidak saja memberi dampak negatif, namun juga positif. Peraturan keagamaan secara umum cenderung melanggar kebebasan beragama dan bahkan mengancam kebebasan akademik, khususnya isu mengenai. Keputusan bersama menteri telah memengaruhi bentuk forum kerukunan umat beragama (FKUB), mengalami deskriminasi, misalnya tentang konstruksi penempatan tempat-tempat ibadah bagi para pemeluk agama minoritas. Perda no.8/2005 mengenai prostitusi di kota tangerang tidak saja berdampak pada penurunan prostitusi, namun juga berakibat pada masalah pelanggaran hak-hak perempuan (mereka saat ini tidak berani keluar rumah setelah jam 10 malam) dan kebebasan berpendapat. Meskipun draf hukum telah dimusyawarahkan dengan tokoh masyarakat.---AbstractThe presentation will discuss the findings of a research that was carried out by the Center for the Study of Religion and Culture of the State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on several Shariah-nuanced bylaws of Tangerang City (which was funded by Respect). The bylaws in question are those on the Prohibition of Prostitution (no 8/2005), the Marriage Law as stipulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), and regulations on religion including the decree concerning the Ahmadiyah. The main findings of the research are that the bylaws have negative but also positive impacts. The joint Ministerial Decree has been influential in the formation of the Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama FKBU, Forum for Religious Harmony) but has been discriminatorial in matters such as the construction of places for religious worship for adherents of minority religions. The Perda No. 8/2005 on prostitution in the City of Tangerang has indeed resulted in reducing prostitution but has also resulted in the violation of women’s civil rights (they are now afraid to be active outside the house after 10 o’clock at night) and their freedom of expression and academic freedom. Although the draft of the bylaw was discussed with figures in society, the law was socialized in a top-down manner.
Balagah sebagai Teori Kritik Sastra Arab Formalis: Obyek Bahasan, Praktik, dan Plus- Minusnya Kamil, Sukron
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 17, No 1 (2011): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2602.035 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v17i1.4285


The theory of modern litery criticism in the West begins with the birth of the theory of formalism in Russia between 1915-1930 developed by Jacobson, shklovsky, Eichenbaum and others. This theory is the foundation stone of modern literary science that formally consider literary work as art of language and sparate the literary works from other social sciences such as psychology, history, and culture. From this formalism theory then was born the theory of structuralism and its various manifold (post-structuralism), such as semiotics, geneticstructuralism, and others. Based on the formalism theory, literary works as autonomous works must be researched in terms of the work itself (intrinsic elemennts), not from outside ( extrinsic elements), because theory more emphasizes on the beauty of literary works. Therefore, what, is needed in criticizing a literary works is close reading, a microscopic reading of literary works as art of language.
Covid-19 dan Matinya Metode Pengajaran Tradisional: Perspektif Islam Kamil, Sukron
MAARIF Vol 15 No 2 (2020): Pendidikan Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Strategi, Adaptasi dan Transformasi
Publisher : MAARIF Institute

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Covid-19 bukan hanya meluluh-lantakkan banyak bidang kehidupan yang berefek negatif, melainkan juga darinya ada banyak sisi positif dan itu berlaku juga bagi dunia pendidikan/pengajaran. Di antara sisi positifnya, Covid-19 telah memproklamirkan kematian metode mengajar tradisional. Paling tidak, metode mengajar dengan dosen/guru sebagai pusat dan metode mengajar berbasis hafalan. Keduanya bukan hanya tak sejalan dengan tuntutan Covid-19 yang menekankan proses pembelajaran sebaliknya, melainkan juga tak sejalan dengan teori pengajaran/pendidikanmodern/kontemporer. Baik Covid-19 maupun teori pendidikan modern menuntut diterapkannya metode mengajar dengan siswa/mahasiswa sebagai pusat dan metode mengajar tak berbasis hafalan. Dalam Islam meski metode mengajar dengan dosen/guru sebagai pusat dan metode mengajar berbasis hafalan merupakan tradisi yang kuat, bukan berarti metode mengajar dengan siswa/mahasiswa sebagai pusat dan metode mengajar tak berbasis hafalan bertentangan dengan Islam. Ada banyak sisi Islam, baik Islam sebagai ajaran maupun tradisi (sejarahnya) yang panjang yang memperlihatkan dua metode mengajar yang sesuai tuntutan Covid-19 itu merupakan bagian dari ajaran dan tradisi pengajaran/pendidikan dalam Islam sejak masa klasik yang tak dipisahkan. Kedua metode mengajar itu sejalan dan telah dipraktikkan dalam Islam. Karenanya, umat Islam jangan ragu untuk menerapkan dan mengembangkan metode mengajar yang sesuai tuntutan Covid-19 itu.
Critique and Development of Modernity : From Romantic Criticism to Post-modernism Sukron Kamil
Insaniyat : Journal of Islam and Humanities Volume 1 Number 2, May 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.594 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v1i2.5638


In the East, even in the most parts of the West, modernity has been an omnipresent phenomenon. It becomes the ultimate goal of modernization.  However, modernity appears in the Western history, shortly after birth, which emphasizes the rationality of modernity has been  criticized  among  the romantic and irrational which rely more on feelings, spontaneity, and intuition, rather than sense. The next Critics regard modernity not only as a solution, but also a problem. For example, nationalism gives birth to anti-Jewish attitudes and industrialization gives birth to imperialism. The same patter goes with science and technology. It is problematic in axiology,  ontology  and  epistemology. The universality of science in the latter period is rejected trough relativity theory and quantum theory. in the view of the post-structuralist, science is considered as a product of power. Modernity is also considered to have made a person has lost  the soul and  spirituality. Regarding the development of  modernity, it is called postmodernity, for some experts, it is a new social  configuration  which is  different, even disconnected with early modernity.  As  for  the  opposite, modernity today is a continuation of the previous modernity as a reflexive project to make life goes forward.DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v1i2.5638
The Study of Mosque Management in Indonesia and Spain: Majority and Minority Muslim Factors Sukron Kamil; Zakiya Darojat
Insaniyat : Journal of Islam and Humanities Volume 6 Number 1, Nov 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v6i1.23115


This article aims to analyze and compare the management of mosques between two countries; Indonesia, where Muslims are the majority population, and Spain where Muslims are the minority. The research question is summed upon how the Muslims respond to the mosque management in two countries, Indonesia and Spain. Constructed by both research methods, qualitative and quantitative, this article lists mosques in urban areas both in Indonesia and Spain and analyzes several aspects related to mosque management. The number of questionnaires distributed was 100 to Indonesian Muslim communities in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi), and 100 Muslims in the City of Madrid and Sevilla, in Spain. The study found high scores for mosque management in urban Indonesia related to the community's satisfaction with the mosque services either in the social field (as the power of civil society) or in the main service fields (worship/da'wa). Meanwhile, the score for managing mosques in Spain is low. This fact is related to the issue of better access to resources: economic, socio-cultural, and political mosques in Indonesia as they are the majority population. On the other hand, Spanish Muslims often face various obstacles in building mosques, one of them being tied up with the issue of Islamophobia. In conclusion, Mosque management in Indonesia seems better than in Spain both in social services and in worship/da'wah.
Is Religion Compatible with Modernity? An Overview on Modernity’s Measurements And its Relation to Religion Sukron Kamil
Insaniyat : Journal of Islam and Humanities Volume 2 Number 2, May 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2233.425 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v2i2.7260


This paper aims to elaborate the measurements of modernity and its relation to religion. In the Third World, modernity is often measured by unclear measurements, and in some cases, some of the attitudes of certain circles in the West now also appear to be at odds with modernity. Based on a literature survey, this paper finds that modernity is a condition, not as a specific marker of a certain period and region. Modernity points not only to the West, but also to non-West, because modernity can be measured by: capitalism as an economic rationality; mass production-based industries and the existance of industry mentality; urban population pressure and its medical control; secular and humanist nation state; democratic country; rational bureaucracy, the state's rule of law, military-based technology; and empirical science and rationalism. Even so, for a secular state, it does not require the latest modernity that should alienate religion absolutely in a public sphere. Religion is possible to be in the public sphere, if it could be debated rationally and does not discriminate minorities as certainly religion is now more rational. Religion is also possible to contest with other issues in a public sphere in the free market in a democratic political system and can be a civil society force; in addition, some religions do not mind with secularization in the sense of sociological rationalization.DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v2i2.7260
Language and Typology of Dakwahist Islamic Fundamentalism : The Study of Arabic Loanwords in The Religious Book of Jamaah Tablig Sukron Kamil
Insaniyat : Journal of Islam and Humanities Volume 1 Number 1, Nov 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (563.343 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v1i1.4341


The study on the extrinsic language and its relation with religious system is important to undertake as it has strong intrinsic language paradigm. This paper found that there is a gap in the language research in response to a socio-cultural challenge. This paper studies the use of language and Islamic fundamentalism system in the religious book of Jamaah Tablig. The result shows that there is a correlation between them. The Arabic loanwords used by Jamaah Tablig in their preaching activities indicate that their religious system is fundamentalist. This paper uses the hermeneutical approach to study this topic. Next, this paper suggests that this group use the contextual and socio-cultural elements of the Quran, and do not use solely literal approach to the study of Islam (the Quran and the Muhammad tradition/Sunnah).DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v1i1.4341
Mosques and Muslim Social Integration: Study of External Integration of the Muslims Sukron Kamil; Zakiya Darojat
Insaniyat : Journal of Islam and Humanities Volume 4 Number 1, Nov 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1594.735 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v4i1.12119


This article aims to explore the relation between mosques and external social integration of history both classic and modern times in Indonesia which has majority Muslim societies and Europe which has the minority. The method used in this study is library research. The result shows that mosques have played important roles in making efforts for external social integration of Muslims, such as the practice of the Prophet Muhammad who united Muslim Muhajirites (those who migrated from Mecca) and Anshar (indigenous Madinah) at Madinah Mosque. Another finding shows that the traces of non-Islam are existed in the Mosques. The mosque recognized domes and towers (manarah) as non-Islamic civilizations. Mosques definitely have a significant role to strengthen the external integration of Muslim either in classical history or in contemporary time.
Arabi : Journal of Arabic Studies Arabi : Journal of Arabic Studies | Vol. 5 No. 1 June 2020
Publisher : IMLA (Arabic Teacher and Lecturer Association of Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (797.056 KB) | DOI: 10.24865/ajas.v5i1.180


The aim of this study is to find deep information about cultural values contained in al-Kitab fi Ta‘allum al-‘Arabiyyah and al-‘Arabiyyah bayna Yadaik  related to women and marriage. This study used a qualitative approach with the content analysis method by Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis which is limited to the linguistic aspect. The text describes the problems faced by women regarding the culture of marriage and reveals cultural values related to the role of women in society and their position in marriage. The result of this study confirmed that al-Kitab fi Ta'allum al-'Arabiyyah and al-'Arabiyyah bayna Yadaik represent women and their position in marriage and society with a multi-perspective way.  This study is important to provide critical thinking about women's issues and marriage in Arabic language teaching. Furthermore, the student and teacher will have an awareness and understanding of cultural differences to increase their ability to communicate with Arab society.