Fakultas Pertanian
Vol 7, No 3 (2019)


Egahwati, Novia (Unknown)
Handayani, Sri (Unknown)
Wirawan, Wirawan (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Dec 2019


The purpose of this study was to determine the application of halal chicken production processes in Landungsari village. The study was conducted in seven chicken slaughterhouses namely Pak Peng chicken slaughterhouses, Cin R, Sawung Galih, Pak Arif, Ibu Ngatiah, CV. Tangguh Jaya and Istana Ayam Kholilah. This study uses qualitative methods, analysis and interpretation of data referring to the Qur?an Al-Baqarah verses 172-173 and LPPOM MUI (HAS 23103). Data collection techniques used were surveys, observations, interviews and questionnaires. The questions in the questionnaire were tested using the validity test and the realibility test. The results of the study informed that the percentage of halal level of chicken meat produced in seven chicken slaughterhouses reached 83,7%. Halal process of 85,7%. The process of handling chicken or chicken conditions by 85,7%. The process of variable people who slaughter chickens by 95,2%. The slaughter process by 100%. Post-slaughter process by 28,6%. Chicken slaughterhouse conditions and facilities by 100%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerapan kehalalan proses produksi pemotongan ayam di Desa Landungsari. Penelitian dilakukan di tujuh RPA yakni RPA Pak Peng, Cin. R, Sawung Galih, Pak Arif, Ibu Ngatiah, CV. Tangguh Jaya, dan Istana Ayam Kholilah.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, analisa dan penafsiran data mengacu pada Al-Quran surat Al-Baqarah ayat 172-173 dan LPPOM MUI (HAS 23103). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah survei, observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam kuesioner diuji menggunakan uji validitas dan uji realibilitas.Hasil penelitian menginformasikan bahwa persentase tingkat kehalalan daging ayam yang diproduksi ditujuh RPA mencapai 83,7%. Proses secara halal sebesar 85,7%. Proses penanganan ayam atau kondisi ayam sebesar 85,7%. Proses variabel orang yang menyembelih ayam sebesar 95,2%. Proses penyembelihan sebesar 100%. Proses pasca penyembelihan sebesar 28,6%. Keadaan dan fasilitas RPA sebesar 100%.

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