Jurnal Agripet
Vol 18, No 1 (2018): Volume 18, No. 1, April 2018

Penambahan Air Jeruk Sambal (Citrus microcarpa) pada Air Minum terhadap Kadar Lemak Daging Broiler

Rizqa Adisti (Universitas Tanjungpura)
Duta Setiawan (Universitas Tanjungpura)
Zakiatulyaqin Zakiatulyaqin (Universitas Tanjungpura)
Marjoko Purnomosidi (Universitas Tanjungpura)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Apr 2018


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air jeruk sambal (Citrus microcarpa) pada air minum terhadap penurunan kadar lemak dan taraf lemak daging broiler. Materi yang digunakan adalah ayam umur 1 hari (DOC) strain CP 707 sebanyak 80 ekor yang ditempatkan dalam kandang berukuran (5,5 × 2,5 × 2 m) yang disekat menjadi 20 unit dengan setiap unit percobaan di isi 4 ekor broiler. Pakan yang digunakan adalah pakan komersial (BR10, BR11 dan BR12). Metode yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan dengan taraf  perlakuan P0  (0% jeruk sambal per 1 L air ), P1 (0,4% jeruk sambal per 1 L air), P2 (0,8% jeruk sambal per 1 L air) dan P3 (1,2% jeruk sambal per 1 L air). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA)  pada taraf  5% dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata jujur (BNJ). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan dapat meningkatkan persentase bobot karkas, penurunan persentase lemak abdominal dan persentase lemak daging broiler. Kesimpulan penambahan air jeruk sambal pada air minum dapat menurunkan lemak daging broiler dengan taraf  pemberian terbaik 0,8%.(The effect of native orange water (Citrus microcarpa) in drink water on broiler meat fat)ABSTRAK. This research aim to determine the effect of native orange (Citrus microcarpa) to drink water on percentage meat fat broiler and the best level for degrade meat fat. The used materials were day old chick (DOC) strain CP707 as many as 80 birds, were placed in cages with size of (5,5 ×2,5×2 m) is partitioned into 20 units an each unit in the experiment with the contents of 4 chickens. Commercial feed was  used, they were  (BR10, BR11 and BR12). Completely randomized design (CRD) was applied, with 4 treatment and 5 replications. The  level of treatments were  P0  (0% native orange for 1 L water), P1 (0,4 native orange for 1 L water), P2 (0,8% native oramge for 1 L water) and P3 (1,2% native orange for 1 L water). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance at level 5% and followed by honesty significant different (HSD).The result showed that there were increasing  percentage of carcass,  abdominal fat and meat fat. As a conclusion,  increment native orange to drink water can degrade broiler meat fat with the best level  at  0,8%.

Copyrights © 2018

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Veterinary


Jurnal Agripet is an open access and online journal that encompasses a broad range of research topics in animal science and biotechnology including animal physiology and nutrition, feed processing and technology, animal productions, animal genetics, breeding and reproduction, meat and milk sciences, ...