Vol 5, No 1: Maret 2019


Nurrochim, Dendy (Unknown)
Kurniadi, Yessi Nirwana (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Mar 2019


ABSTRAKRevetment adalah salah satu struktur pelindung pantai yang berfungsi pelindung dari abrasi. Saat ini perkembangan material penyusun revetment sangat beragam salah satunya buis beton. Kekuatan buis beton sebagai saluran drainase sudah teruji dalam bidang pengelolaan sumber daya air tetapi untuk bahan penyusun revetment belum pernah diuji. Berdasarkan hal itu Balai Teknologi Pantai Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat akan melakukan analisis model fisik guna menyusun pedoman pelaksanaan konstruksi untuk menjamin kekuatan konstruksi revetment buis beton. Penelitian ini melanjutkan ide dari Balai Teknologi Pantai Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat dengan melakukan penelitian analisis model fisik revetment buis beton. Penelitian melakukan uji model fisik yang dibentukdari pipa PVC berdiameter 10 cm dan tinggi 5 cm dengan kemiringan pantai 28,61°. Analisis model fisik dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan buis beton dalam merefleksikan gelombang dan run up terjadi dengan 3 variasi kedalaman. Hasil dari pengujian model fisik diperoleh koefisien refleksi pada kedalaman 30 cm sebesar 0,3 ? 0,42 dengan persentase gelombang tereduksi 50%?65 % dan koefisien refleksi untuk kedalaman 40 cm sebesar 0,8 ? 0,98 dengan persentase gelombang tereduksi 2% ?14 %.Kata kunci: revetment,koefisien refleksi,run-up,buis beton ABSTRACTRevetment is one of the coastal protection structure use as a shore protection from abrasion. Nowdays, development of revetment material was currently many variation one of them are concrete pipe. The strength of concrete pipe as a drainage channel had been tested in the field of water resources management but for the revetment this material has never been investigated. Based on this, Ministry of Public Works and Housing would conduct a physical model analysis to prepare guidelines for the construction to ensure the strength of the construction of the concrete pipe revetment. This research will continue the idea using concrete pipe as revetment with physical model study. In physical study, the concrete pipe model was made from PVC pipe with 10 cm diameter and 5 cm height on a 28,61° slope. Physical model analysis was carried out to determine the ability of concrete pipe in reflecting waves and run-up occurs with 3 depth variations. The results of physical model testing obtained reflection coefficient at a depth of 30 cm of 0.3 ? 0.42 with a percentage of reduction 50% ? 65% and reflection coefficient for a depth of 40 cm of 0.8 ? 0.98 with a reduced percentage of 2%? 14%.Keywords: revetment, coefficient of reflection, run-up,concrete pipe

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