Jurnal RAP
Vol 6, No 2 (2015)

Perbedaan Subjective Well-being antara Guru Bersertifikasi dan Non Sertifikasi

Fakhrunnisak . (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
Hazhira Qudsyi (Universitas Islam Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Feb 2017


Abstract: The difference of subjective well being between certified teachers and non-certified teachers. This research attempt to find out the difference of subjective well being between certified teachers and non certified teachers. Data were collected from 58 certified teachers and 58 non certified teachers. Scale that used in this study is The Satisfaction with Life Scale by Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin (1985) and Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) by Diener, Wirtz, Tov, Kim-Prieto, Choi, Oishi and Biswar-Diener (2009). The result of this study proved that there no differences of subjective well being between certified teachers and non certified teachers (p = 0.910; p > 0,05). So, the hypothetic on this research is decline.Keywords: Subjective well being, teacher, teaching certification.Abstrak: Perbedaan subjective well being antara guru bersertifikat dan guru non-sertifikasi. Upaya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan subjective well being antara guru bersertifikat dan guru non bersertifikat. Data dikumpulkan dari 58 guru bersertifikat dan 58 guru non sertifikasi. Skala yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepuasan dengan skala Life oleh Diener, Emmons, Larsen dan Griffin (1985) dan skala positif dan negatif pengalaman (SPANE) oleh Diener, Wirtz, Tov, Kim-Prieto, Choi, Oishi dan Biswar-Diener (2009). Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan subjective well being antara guru bersertifikat dan guru non bersertifikat (p= 0,910 ; p > 0,05). Jadi, hipotetik pada penelitian ini adalah penurunan.Kata kunci: Subjective well being, guru, mengajar sertifikasi.

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