Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Vol 5, No 1 (2016): JANUARI 2016


,, Suprehatin (Unknown)
Yeni, Laili Fitri (Unknown)
Ariyati, Eka (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Feb 2016


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas Project Based Learning (PjBL) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada sub materi peranan virus di kelas X SMA Islam Bawari Pontianak. Bentuk penelitian adalah eksperimen semu (Quasi Eksperimental Design) dengan rancangan nonequivalent control group design.Sampel penelitian adalah kelas XA(kelas kontrol) yang berjumlah 31 siswa dan kelas XB (kelas eksperimen) yang berjumlah 32 siswa.Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah dengan intact group.Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes pilihan ganda yang berjumlah 20 butir. Dari hasil analisis data, diperoleh skor rata-rata hasil posttest siswa pada kelas eksperimen adalah 17,75, sedangkan skor rata-rata hasil posttest kelas kontrol adalah 15,64. Berdasarkan analisis uji U Mann Whitney menunjukan bahwa Zhitung ≤  Ztabel (-3,78 ≤ -1,96) disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan Project Based Learning (PjBL) dengan yang menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. Berdasarkan nilai Effect size diketahui Project Based Learning (PjBL) memberikan kontribusi sebesar 27,34% terhadap hasil belajar. Kata kunci: hasil belajar, Project Based Laerning (PjBL), peranan virus, efektivitas. Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PjBL) on students’ learning outcomes for sub material the role of viruses in class X of SMA Islam Bawari Pontianak. The research method used was a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group. The sample was XA class (control class) which consists of 31 students and class XB (experimental class) which consists of 32 students, while the sampling wasintact group. The instrument used was a multiple choice test which consist of 20 items. From the analysis of the data, obtained an average score of posttest results of students in the experimental class which was 17.75, while the average score of posttest in control group was 15.64. Based on the analysis of U Mann Whitneytest showed that Zcount ≤ Ztable (-3.78 ≤ -1.96) that it can be concluded that there is a difference in students’ outcomes whom were taught by using Project Based Learning (PjBL) with those whom were taught by using conventional teaching. For effect size is 0,75, the category when effect size at convertation is medium. Based on the value of Effect size, it is known that Project Based Learning (PjBL) contributed 27.34% on the learning outcomes. Keywords: learning outcome, Project Based Learning (PjBL), role of viruses, effectiveness

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