Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan
Vol 6, No 3 (2018)


, KARWANTO (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
13 Aug 2018


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripisikan dan menganalisis rekrutmen dan seleksi guru di SMA Luqman Al-Hakim Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data yang dilakukan meliputi uji kredibilitas terdiri dari peningkatan ketekunan, triangulasi, dan membercheck; transferabilitas penyajian hasil penelitian dilakukan secara rinci, jelas, sistematis, dan dapat dipercaya; dependabilitas meliputi audit oleh dosen pembimbing; serta uji konfirmabilitas. Teknik analisis data meliputi kondensasi, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, 1) Rekrutmen guru dilakukan terpusat pada yayasan, kepala sekolah melaporkan kekurangan guru kepada SDM yayasan, tidak ada periode tertentu dalam rekrutmen guru, melainkan ketika ada kekosongan guru yang sudah terpetakan ditahun sebelumnya, syarat mutlak yang harus dipenuhi pelamar yakni basic keagamaan; 2) Seleksi guru dengan sistem gugur yang terdiri dari tes administrasi, tes tulis, tsaqofah, tahsin, wawancara dan peerteaching, tidak ada keterlibatan pihak luar selama proses rekrutmen dan seleksi, pihak yang memutuskan diterimatidaknya pelamar menjadi guru adalah SDM Yayasan yang mempertimbangkan saran dari kepala sekolah; 3) Hambatan rekrutmen meliputi kualifikasi pelamar tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan sekolah, upaya dalam menangani hambatan tersebut dengan mencari ke lembaga atau instansi terkait dan membagi beban mengajar kepada guru lain; 4) Hambatan seleksi meliputi prinsip pelamar yang tidak sesuai dengan prinsip yang ada disekolah, upaya dalam menangani hambatan tersebut dengan pendekatan personal. Kata Kunci: rekrutmen guru, seleksi guru, kualifikasi Abstract This research aims to mendeskripisikan and analyze recruitment and selection of high school teachers in Luqman Al-Hakim. This study used a qualitative approach to research design case studies. The technique of data collection is done with the interview, observation, and study the documentation. Test the validity of the data being done include increasing credibility test consists of perseverance, triangulation, and membercheck; transferabilitas presentation of the results of research carried out in detail, clear, systematic and reliable; dependabilitas includes audits by the supervising professor; as well as the konfirmabilitas test. Data analysis techniques include condensation, presentation of data, and the withdrawal of the conclusion. The results showed that, 1) Teacher Recruitment is carried out centrally on the Foundation, the principal reported shortages of teachers to the Human Resources Foundation, there is no specific period in the recruitment of teachers, but rather when there is a vacuum of teachers who already mapped the previous year, the absolute requirement to be met applicants i.e. basic religious; 2) selection of the teachers with the system consisting of the fall test administration, test, tsaqofah, tahsin, interviews and peerteaching, there is no involvement of outside parties during the process of recruitment and selection, parties who decide to become teachers applicants diterimatidaknya Human Resources Foundation that is considering a suggestion from the head of school; 3) recruitment Barriers include the qualifications of the applicants do not comply with the requirements of the school, efforts in addressing these obstacles by looking to the agency or relevant agencies and divide the burden of teaching to teachers; 4) selection Barriers include principle applicants who do not comply with the principle that exists in all schools, efforts in addressing these obstacles with a personal approach. Keywords: teacher recruitment, selection, qualification

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