Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (JISIP)
Vol 7, No 3 (2018)


Pina . (Unknown)
Dekki Umamur Ra’is (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Jan 2019


Abstract: The purposes of this study were to look at the implementation of SAMSAT On the Spot (SOS) service in improving the quality of public services and identify the supporting and inhibiting factors for its implementation at SAMSAT Office Karangploso. This research is a descriptive qualitative research by explaining research with objects. The data was then analyzed by involving data reduction, presentation and conclusions withdrawal. The results obtained were the service procedure categorized as quite good and not complicated, fast completion time, the service was in the form of tax payments. The supporting factors of this service were the facilities and infrastructure used and the community participation in paying taxes while the obstacles was the lack of internet networks in a particular village. This research is expected to be used as a reference, adding information and knowledge about the On the Spot (SOS) Samsat service program in an effort to improve the quality of public services and can be used as a consideration for the SAMSAT Join Office in Karangploso to be more skilled and innovative to meet the needs of the community in order to improve the quality of public service. Keywords: Public Service, Service Quality, SAMSAT On The Spot (SOS) Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pelaksanaan SAMSAT On the Spot (SOS)  dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik dan mengidentifikasi faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan program layanan SAMSAT On the Spot (SOS)   pada Kantor SAMSAT Karangploso .Jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menjelaskan penelitian dengan objek.  Data yang digunakan kemudian di analisa dengan melibatkan reduksi data dan penyajian  serta penarikan kesimpulan .Hasil yang diperoleh dalam pelaksanaan SAMSAT On the Spot (SOS)   dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik pada   Kantor SAMSAT karangploso, layanan tersebut prosedur pelayanan nya sudah cukup baik dan tidak berbelit-belit,waktu penyelesaian cepat, produk yang diberikan berupa pembayaran pajak. Faktor pendukung pelayanan ini sarana  dan prasarana digunakan dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembayaran pajak  serta hambatannya sulitnya jaringan internet disuatu desa tertentu. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi,menambah informasi dan pengetahuan mengenai program layanan Samsat On the Spot (SOS) dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik serta dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi Kantor Bersama SAMSAT Karangploso untuk lebih terampil dan inovatif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat terutama dalam bidang pelayanan kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik. Kata Kunci: Pelayanan Publik, Kualitas Pelayanan, SAMSAT On The Spot (SOS)

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Humanities Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


JISIP Journal of Social and Political Science is published three times a year (April, August and December). Article published in JISIP is an article based on the results of research (priority), and articles on scientific reviews of contemporary phenomena in the field of Social and Political Science, ...