Jurnal Selaras : Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling serta Psikologi Pendidikan
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): November 2019


Sance Mariana Tameon (Jurusan Konseling Pastoral, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Apr 2020


Burnout merupakan sebuah gejala psikologis seperti kelelahan fisik, emosional, mental dan depresi yang dapat terjadi pada orang yang bekerja. Hasil penelitian Maslach menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan yang berorientasi melayani orang seperti profesi perawat, pendeta, guru, psikolog, konselor dan dosen berkorelasi dengan burnout. Dosen di STSKN Kupang pun mengalami burnout, di mana faktor pendukung terjadinya burnout adalah tekanan dari pihak pimpinan, diperlakukan tidak adil oleh pimpinan, tidak menerima adanya perbedaan, kesejahteraan yang tidak diperhatikan, pemberian pekerjaan yang berlebihan yang tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan dosen, lingkungan kerja yang tidak kondusif, adanya aturan yang terkadang membuat dosen memiliki batasan dalam berinovasi, kurangnya apresiasi dari lingkungan kerja yang membuat dosen merasa tidak bernilai dan hubungan yang tidak terjalin baik antar dosen, dosen dengan pimpinan dan dosen dengan pegawai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis metode survey dimana jumlah sampelnnya adalah 47 orang dosen.Dari hasil analisis data ditemukan bahwa Burnout Dosen STAKN Kupang adalah sebesar 44,66 %. Berdasarkan gender didapati bahwa dosen STAKN Kupang yang berjenis kelamin perempuan mengalami burnout sebesar 41,46% sedangkan jenis kelamin laki-laki sebesar 47,25%. Selain itu, dari status pernikahan didapati bahwa dosen STAKN Kupang yang menikah mengalami burnout sebanyak 47,22 % dan yang belum menikah sebesar 40,43%. Kata Kunci: burnout, dosen ABSTRACT Burnout is a psychological symptom such as physical, emotional, mental fatigue and depression that can occur in people who work. The results of Maslach's research show that work oriented to serving people such as the nurse profession, pastors, teachers, psychologists, counselors, and lecturers correlates with burnout. The lecturer at State of Christian Religious College of Kupang (STAKN Kupang) also experienced burnout, in which the supporting factors for burnout were pressure from the leadership, being treated unfairly by the leadership, not accepting any differences, unnoticed welfare, giving excessive work that was not in accordance with the ability of the lecturer, work environment not conducive, the existence of rules that sometimes make lecturers have limits in innovating, lack of appreciation of the work environment that makes lecturers feel worthless and the relationships are not intertwined between lecturers, lecturers and leaders and lecturers with employees. This study uses quantitative research methods with the type of survey method where the number of samples is 47 lecturers. From the results of data analysis, it was found that lecturer burnout was 44.66%. Based on gender, it was found that lecturers of STAKN Kupang who were female experienced burnout by 41.46% while the male was 47.25%. Besides that, from the marital status, it was found that lecturers of STAKN Kupang who were married experienced burnout as much as 47.22% and those who were not married at 40.43%. Keywords: burnout, lecturer

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