Vol. 18 No. 1 (2018)

Kajian Pusat-Pusat Pelayanan Di Kabupaten Kampar: Study of Service Centers in Kampar District

Rona Muliana (Universitas Islam Riau)
Puji Astuti (Universitas Islam Riau)
Akmal Fadli (Universitas Islam Riau)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Apr 2018


[ID] Pusat-pusat pelayanan merupakan suatu aglomerasi dari berbagai kegiatan atau aktivitas serta aglomerasi dari berbagai prasarana dan sarana yang dapat menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan wilayah. Pembangunan pusat-pusat pelayanan selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat juga diharapkan mampu mendukung pengembangan wilayah. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengidentifikasi struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar berdasarkan RTRW Kabupaten Kampar; (2) mengidentifikasi struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar berdasarkan analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas; (3) menyusun rekomendasi struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar. Metode penelitian adalah deduktif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Dari draft RTRW Kabupaten Kampar dengan hasil analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas terdapat perbedaan struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan. Dari analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas tidak terdapat hirarki II dan hirarki III sehingga terjadi pemusatan fasilitas pada hirarki 1 yakni Kota Bangkinang sebagai ibukota Kabupaten. Setelah dibandingkan struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar berdasarkan draft RTRW dengan analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas, maka direkomendasikan struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar terdiri dari 5 hirarki yaitu hirarki I berada di Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota, hirarki II berada di Kecamatan Tapung, Kampar Kiri, Siak Hulu, dan Tapung Hulu, hirarki III berada di Kecamatan Tapung Hilir, Kampar Kiri Hilir, dan XIII Koto Kampar, hirarki IV berada di Kecamatan Bangkinang, Gunung Sahilan, Perhentian Raja, Salo, dan Kampar, hirarki V berada di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah, Rumbio Jaya, Kuok, Kampar Timur, Koto Kampar Hulu, Tambang, Kampar Utara, dan Kampar Kiri Hulu. [EN] Service centers are an agglomeration of various activities or activities as well as agglomeration of various infrastructure and facilities that can support the growth and development of the region. The development of service centers in addition to meeting the needs of the community is also expected to be able to support regional development. The objectives of this study are: (1) to identify the structure of service centers in Kampar Regency based on the Kampar Regency RTRW; (2) identifying the structure of service centers in Kampar District based on a scalogram analysis and centrality index; (3) prepare recommendations for the structure of service centers in Kampar District. The research method is quantitative deductive using scalogram analysis and centrality index. The results showed that from the draft of the Kampar District RTRW with the results of the scalogram analysis and the centrality index there were differences in the structure of the service centers. From the scalogram analysis and the centrality index there is no hierarchy II and hierarchy III so that there is a centralization of facilities in hierarchy 1 namely the City of Bangkinang as the capital of the Regency. After comparing the structure of the service centers in Kampar Regency based on the draft RTRW with a scalogram analysis and centrality index, it is recommended that the structure of the service centers in Kampar Regency consist of 5 hierarchies namely hierarchy I is in Bangkinang Kota District, hierarchy II is in Tapung District, Kampar Kiri, Siak Hulu, and Tapung Hulu, hierarchy III is in Tapung Hilir District, Kampar Kiri Hilir, and XIII Koto Kampar, hierarchy IV is in Bangkinang District, Mount Sahilan, Perhentian Raja, Salo, and Kampar, hierarchy V is in Kecamatan Subdistrict Kampar Kiri Tengah, Rumbio Jaya, Kuok, Kampar Timur, Koto Kampar Hulu, Tambang, Kampar Utara, and Kampar Kiri Hulu.

Copyrights © 2018

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