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Analisis Pola Pergerakan Penduduk dalam Mengkonsumsi Fasilitas Sosial di Kawasan Pinggiran Kota (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar): The Movement Pattern Analysis of Social FacilityConsumption in Suburban Area (Case Study: Siak Hulu District, Kampar Regency) Welky Afriza Putra; Masrizal Masrizal; Puji Astuti
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol. 16 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : UIR Press

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[ID] Lahan terbangun di kota semakin melebar melampaui batas administrasi kota karena semakin pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk. Kota Pekanbaru juga mengalami hal yang sama sehingga daerah-daerah yang bukan termasuk wilayah administrasi Kota Pekanbaru pun ikut terkena imbasnya. Sebagian besar kawasan tersebut dijadikan tempat bergerak permukiman termasuk di daerah kecamatan Siak Hulu, sehingga kebutuhan akan aktifitas sosial masyarakat diduga tidak dapat terpenuhi secara optimal. Untuk mengidentifikasi pola pergerakan dalam mengkonsumsi fasilitas sosial di kawasan pinggiran Kota Pekanbaru diadakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif bertujuan untuk menggali informasi dan pendapat dari responden di lokasi penelitian tentang alasan-alasan responden di suatu daerah permukiman yang terdapat di perbatasan dan pinggiran.Untuk analisis faktor pemilihan lokasi pemukiman digunakan metode pendekatan deduktif. Pendapat dominan dari responden merupakan cerminan lokasi yang paling ideal dan mengindikasikan bagaimana pola pergerakan mengkonsumsi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat di permukiman pinggiran untuk kegiatan yang menggunakan fasilitas sosial. Sampel penduduk diperoleh dari rumah tangga yang ada di wilayah penelitian yaitu rumah tangga Desa Tanah Merah, Desa Pandau Jaya dan Desa Kubang Jaya. Desa-desa tersebut akan diobservasi dengan penyebaran kuesioner dengan teknik purposive random sampling yang artinya sample diambil secara acak untuk suatu tujuan. Tingkat keterkaitan (ketergantungan) antara kawasan pinggiran dengan kawasan pusat Kota Pekanbaru dalam mengkonsumsi fasilitas sosial yang berskala lebih kecil atau dalam lingkup desa, secara umum menunjukan proporsi yang relatif tinggi, hal ini ditunjukan dari besarnya persentase penduduk yang mengkonsumsi fasilitas pendidikan SMU, Perguruan Tinggi (PT)/ Akademi, fasilitas tersier dan sekunder, fasilitas rekreasi/liburan, yang persentasenya rata-rata lebih dari 30 %. Terdapat gejala bahwa penduduk kawasan pinggiran tidak selalu mengkonsumsi fasilitas sosial terdekat. [EN] With existence of farm the need for, make farm is woke up in city growing intemperate melebar city administration, with growing fast its townee growth Pekanbaru then area that is not entered Administrasi region Pekanbaru city even also follows hit its glimpse because can be a large part of areas are referred made setlement place and aktivity social for society, entered in area district Siak Hulu. His Research is research qualitative descriptive that is bent on to dig information and opinion from responder in research location about responder reasons in a setlement area that existed in border and Suburban. factor analysis of settlement location choice are used deductive approach method, that is research that base theories that already exist and conducted verification. Dominant Opinion from responder is location reflection the most ideal and indication how pattern of consumption movement that conducted by society in setlement suburban in area of social. Intake sampel is conducted unutuk getting the picture of population situation that actually. Sampel resident is obtained/got from home doorstep that exist in research region that is household countryside Raddle, countryside Pandau Jaya and countryside Kubang Jaya. Referred will diobservasi with spreading quesioner with technique random purposive sampling with the meaning reading copy taken at random for a target. Where reading copy are disseminated at three countrysides referred with household amount entire as high as 15. 199 family heads with the average of 4 soul of doorstep per-houses. Dependability level (dependable) between boundary area and downtown area Pekanbaru in consumption of social facility that have the scale of smaller or in scope countryside, in general show proportion that relative high, this condition are pinpointed from level of resident percentage that consumption of education facility SMU, College)/Academy, tertiary facility and sekunder, recreation facilities/vacation, that its percentage average more than 30 %. There is symptom that resident of boundary area not always consume social facility closest.
Kajian Pusat-Pusat Pelayanan Di Kabupaten Kampar: Study of Service Centers in Kampar District Rona Muliana; Puji Astuti; Akmal Fadli
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol. 18 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1627.531 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/saintis.2018.vol18(1).2846


[ID] Pusat-pusat pelayanan merupakan suatu aglomerasi dari berbagai kegiatan atau aktivitas serta aglomerasi dari berbagai prasarana dan sarana yang dapat menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan wilayah. Pembangunan pusat-pusat pelayanan selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat juga diharapkan mampu mendukung pengembangan wilayah. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengidentifikasi struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar berdasarkan RTRW Kabupaten Kampar; (2) mengidentifikasi struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar berdasarkan analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas; (3) menyusun rekomendasi struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar. Metode penelitian adalah deduktif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Dari draft RTRW Kabupaten Kampar dengan hasil analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas terdapat perbedaan struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan. Dari analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas tidak terdapat hirarki II dan hirarki III sehingga terjadi pemusatan fasilitas pada hirarki 1 yakni Kota Bangkinang sebagai ibukota Kabupaten. Setelah dibandingkan struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar berdasarkan draft RTRW dengan analisis skalogram dan indeks sentralitas, maka direkomendasikan struktur pusat-pusat pelayanan di Kabupaten Kampar terdiri dari 5 hirarki yaitu hirarki I berada di Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota, hirarki II berada di Kecamatan Tapung, Kampar Kiri, Siak Hulu, dan Tapung Hulu, hirarki III berada di Kecamatan Tapung Hilir, Kampar Kiri Hilir, dan XIII Koto Kampar, hirarki IV berada di Kecamatan Bangkinang, Gunung Sahilan, Perhentian Raja, Salo, dan Kampar, hirarki V berada di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah, Rumbio Jaya, Kuok, Kampar Timur, Koto Kampar Hulu, Tambang, Kampar Utara, dan Kampar Kiri Hulu. [EN] Service centers are an agglomeration of various activities or activities as well as agglomeration of various infrastructure and facilities that can support the growth and development of the region. The development of service centers in addition to meeting the needs of the community is also expected to be able to support regional development. The objectives of this study are: (1) to identify the structure of service centers in Kampar Regency based on the Kampar Regency RTRW; (2) identifying the structure of service centers in Kampar District based on a scalogram analysis and centrality index; (3) prepare recommendations for the structure of service centers in Kampar District. The research method is quantitative deductive using scalogram analysis and centrality index. The results showed that from the draft of the Kampar District RTRW with the results of the scalogram analysis and the centrality index there were differences in the structure of the service centers. From the scalogram analysis and the centrality index there is no hierarchy II and hierarchy III so that there is a centralization of facilities in hierarchy 1 namely the City of Bangkinang as the capital of the Regency. After comparing the structure of the service centers in Kampar Regency based on the draft RTRW with a scalogram analysis and centrality index, it is recommended that the structure of the service centers in Kampar Regency consist of 5 hierarchies namely hierarchy I is in Bangkinang Kota District, hierarchy II is in Tapung District, Kampar Kiri, Siak Hulu, and Tapung Hulu, hierarchy III is in Tapung Hilir District, Kampar Kiri Hilir, and XIII Koto Kampar, hierarchy IV is in Bangkinang District, Mount Sahilan, Perhentian Raja, Salo, and Kampar, hierarchy V is in Kecamatan Subdistrict Kampar Kiri Tengah, Rumbio Jaya, Kuok, Kampar Timur, Koto Kampar Hulu, Tambang, Kampar Utara, and Kampar Kiri Hulu.
Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Fasilitas Dan Pelayanan Angkutan Umum Trans Metro Pekanbaru: Public Perception To Facilities and Public Transportation Services of Trans Metro Pekanbaru Puji Astuti; Reka Marsela; Mardianto Mardianto; Thalia Amanda Putri
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol. 18 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1236.404 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/saintis.2018.vol18(2).3149


[ID] Permasalahan yang terjadi pada angkutan umum Trans Metro Pekanbaru adalah kedatangan bus selalu tidak tepat waktu dan rute pelayanannya tidak ke semua tempat serta fasilitas halte yang kurang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap fasilitas dan pelayanan angkutan umum Trans Metro Pekanbaru dan mengidentifikasikan kebijakan pemerintah sebagai pengelola Trans MetroPekanbaru (TMP). Manfaat dari penelitian ini yaitu agar mengetahui pendapat masyarakat dan kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan angkutan umum Trans Metro Pekanbaru dalam melayani penumpang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dan dengan pendekatan deduktif. Pendekatan deduktif merupakan penjelasan tentang prinsip-prinsip isi pelajaran, kemudian dijelaskan dalam bentuk penerapannya atau contoh-contohnya dalam situasi tertentu. Responden adalah penumpang Trans Metro Pekanbaru, jumlah responden yang dijadikan sampel penelitian yaitu 115 responden.Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu tentang ketersediaan Trans Metro Pekanbaru yaitu sebanyak 90responden menjawab berguna. Alasan masyarakat memilih Trans Metro Pekanbaru yaitu sebanyak 79 responden menjawab tersedia. Akses menuju halte yaitu sebanyak 72 responden menjawab mudah. Tarif ongkos yaitu sebanyak 83 responden menjawab murah. Keamanan dan kenyamanan saat menaiki Trans Metro Pekanbaru serta di halte yaitu sebanyak 55 responden menjawab baik. Pelayanan petugas yaitu sebanyak 70 responden menjawab sopan. Penampilan interior halte dan bus yaitu sebanyak 80 responden menjawab tidak menyenangkan. Kedatangan bus Trans Metro Pekanbaru yaitu sebanyak 71 responden menjawab kurang tepat waktu. Penampilan petugas Trans Metro Pekanbaru yaitu sebanyak 85 respondenmenjawab rapi. Tentang tempat duduk selalu tersedia saat menaiki bus Trans Metro Pekanbaru yaitu sebanyak 78 responden menjawab tersedia. Total keseluruhan responden yaitu 115 responden. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu dalam segi keamanan dan kenyamanannya baik, tarif/ongkosnya terjangkau oleh semua lapisan masyarakat, dari segi negatif yaitu kedatangan bus selalu tidak tepat waktu dan halte kurang memadai. Adapun saran kepada pemerintah yaitu memperbaiki halte yang rusak menjadi halte yang lebih memadai. [EN] The problems that occur on public transport Trans Metro bus Pekanbaru is always imprecise arrival time and route of delivery is not to stop all places and facilities are inadequate. The purpose of this study is to determine public perceptions of the facilities and public transport services Trans Metro Pekanbaru andidentify government policies as the manager of Trans Metro Pekanbaru (TMP). The benefits of this research is in order to know the public opinion and people's satisfaction of public transport services in the Trans Metro Pekanbaru airport passengers. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method anddeductive approaches. Deductive approach is an explanation of the principles of subject content, then described in terms of implementation or examples in certain situations. Respondents were passengers of Trans Metro Pekanbaru, the number of respondents that the research sample is 115 respondents.Results from this study is about the availability of Trans Metro Pekanbaru as many as 90 respondents answered handy. Communities choose Trans Metro Pekanbaru as many as 79 respondents provided. Access to the bus stop as many as 72 respondents answered easily. Rates / fees as many as 83 respondents answered cost.Safety and comfort while riding the Trans Metro Pekanbaru and at the stop as many as 55 respondents answered either. Ministry officials as many as 70 respondents answered politely. The interior appearance and bus stop as many as 80 respondents answered no fun. Trans Metro bus Pekanbaru arrival of as many as 71 respondents answered less timely. Appearance officer Trans Metro Pekanbaru as many as 85 respondents answered neatly. About seating is always available while riding the Trans Metro bus Pekanbaru as many as 78 respondents provided. The total respondents, 115 respondents. The conclusion of this analysis, in terms of both safety and convenience, tariff / fare is affordable by all levels of society, from the negative aspects of the arrival of a bus always untimely and inadequate shelter. The advice to the government is to improve bus stops are broken into more adequate shelter.
PERAN SERTA MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGELOLAAN PERSAMPAHAN SECARA BERKELANJUTAN di KECAMATAN SAIL PEKANBARU: Community Participation in Sustainable Waste Management in Sail District, Pekanbaru City Inggra Febrana; Ronny B. Leksono; Puji Astuti
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol. 15 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : UIR Press

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[ID] Sampah merupakan permasalahan yang sangat kompleks, terutama di kota-kota besar. Pada penelitian ini diuraikan ke Kecamatan Sail yang merupakan bagian dari Kota Pekanbaru. Terlihat di kecamatan ini sampah yang terbuang dilahan kosong dan menghandalkan peran pemerintah dalam pengelolaannya. Pengelolaan sampah sebaiknya melibatkan masyarakat daerah tersebut, sehingga dapat memberikan keuntungan moril maupun materil bagi masyarakat itu sendiri. Menemukenali alternatif peran serta masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah secara berkelanjutan merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yaitu metode pendekatan deskriftif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan analisis SWOT. Bentuk pengelolaan sampah di Kecamatan Sail masih menggunakan sistem lama yaitu dikumpul, diangkut, lalu dibuang ke TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir) dan ada juga yang dibakar. Dilihat dari analisis, peran serta masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah dikenali dengan menggunakan konsep 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce) yang secara langsung diterapkan kepada masyarakat. Untuk menerapkan konsep 3R perlu adanya kerjasama dengan pemerintah, agar konsep dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan. [EN] Garbage is a very complex problem, especially in big cities. In the study described, Sail District which is part of the city of Pekanbaru. Seen in this district, garbage dump in vacant land and wasted government's role in its managemet . Waste management as well as involving the local community, so it can provide moral advantages and material benefit to the society itself . Identifying alternatives to community participation in sustainable waste management is the goal of this study . In The method used is descriptive method qualitative and quantitative approach to SWOT analysis . Forms of waste management in the Sail District is still using the old system that is collected, transported, and disposed of to landfill and some are burned. Judging from the analysis, community participation in waste management identified by using the concept of 3R ( Reuse , Recycle , Reduce ) which are directly applicable to the community. To implement the 3R concept of the need for cooperation with the government, so that the concept can be done on an on going basis.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Unaya Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Januari 2016
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30601/jtsu.v2i1.17


Riau street in Pekanbaru classified as secondary arterial roads with solid activit s so susceptible to the problem of traffic. The physical condition of damaged roads, land use mix and irregular, activities of right and left side crowded streets, parking inadequate, lack of public transport, and the behavior of road users who are not orderly, is the picture of the problem of traffic that occurs on the Riau street. This is supported also by the growth in the number of private vehicles. The accumulation of a variety of symptoms that led to the road capacity can no longer accommodate the volume of passing vehicles, causing traffic delays. One way to unravel this problem is to assess the public's perception of road users alternative solutions to problems related to urban transport in Riau street. The method used is descriptive quantitative with the number of respondents 100 people and supported by a statement from the policy holder of the traffic in the city of Pekanbaru . Public perception related factors causing transportation problems in Riau street is the traffic policy is less strict in discipline of road users, the traffic volume exceeds the capacity of the road, setting traffic light rigid, road users are not orderly, parking space is limited, public transport is limited, and the illegal parking. Alternative solutions is the increase in traffic policy, modify or regulate the flow of traffic, optimization of public transport facilities and infrastructure, restrictions on the use of private vehicles, road widening, traffic lights adjustment, socialization regulation and enforcement, and the construction of flyovers..
Dampak Pembangunan Kawasan Minapolitan Terhadap Desa Warsawa Di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Puji Astuti
Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan dan Inovasi Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Badań Perencanaan Pembangunan Dearth, Penelitian dań Pengembangan Provinsi Riau

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The Minapolitan approach is a breakthrough in rural development programs on rural development itself. In Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau Province, a location for the development of freshwater aquaculture is called the minapolitan, through the Decree of the Regent of Kuantan Singingi Number 156 of 2008 concerning the Determination of the Location for the Development of the Minapolitan Area of Kuantan Singingi Regency, the one of Minapolitan area is Marsawa Village, Sentajo Raya District. This study aims to identification about the impact of the minapolitan development program in Marsawa Village, namely economic, social, environmental, and infrastructure impacts. This study uses qualitative and quantitative research methods. The data was collected through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Questionnaires were given to fish cultivators and analyzed through percentages of respondents and interviews with officials and community leaders. The results of this study concluded that the impact of minapolitan development in rural areas is; (1) Increasing family income which affects its economic value, accelerating economic changes in rural areas, creating job references, increasing people's safety, increasing market potential, increasing the value of regional productivity, encouraging minapolitan production, increasing the possibility of marketing it in fish cultivators; (2) Increasing the number of counseling and technical guidance on fisheries, increasing social activities, adding value to social issues, encouraging community enthusiasm about aquaculture, improving nutrition, health issues, and increasing trade union activities; (3) environmental cleanliness, fresh, healthy and neat; (4) Improving the quality of irrigation and sanitation facilities, improving workplaces and networks, and increasing the availability of clean water.