Unnes Law Journal
Vol 3 No 1 (2014): Unnes L.J. (April, 2014)


Yudikindra, Widyananda (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Oct 2014


Tes HIV dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya peningkatan infeksi HIV. Sedangkan penggunaan formulir informed consent merupakan wujud pendokumentasian yang memiliki perbedaan dan kekhususan dalam penawaran medisnya. Oleh karena itu kemudian peneliti melakukan kajian yuridis terhadap bentuk formulir dan implementasi informed consent tes HIV.Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis empiris. Pendekatan yuridis empiris bertujuan menganalisis suatu peraturan dapat berlaku efektif di masyarakat. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan kajian yuridis tentang bentuk formulir informed consent tes HIV dalam perjanjian terapeutik. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui implementasi informed consent pada pasien yang bersedia menjalani tes HIV dalam perjanjian terapeutik di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang.Kajian yuridis formulir informed consent maupun implementasinya sudah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, peraturan menteri kesehatan maupun pedoman teknis. Walaupun sudah sesuai namun pelaksanaanya tidak selalu berjalan dengan baik dan terdapat masalah seperti pemahaman yang kurang mengenai manfaat dan fungsi formulir informed consent sehingga dapat memberi peluang seorang pasien untuk menolak atau membatalkan tes HIV. Selain itu masih ada keterbatasan kemampuan pasien dalam memahami informasi medis, ketidaklengkapan pengisian formulir dan pola administrasi yang berbeda. Wujud formulir informed consent semestinya jangan sampai menghambat hak pasien untuk mendapatkan kesehatan. Sedangkan keberhasilan tes HIV harus tetap memperhatikan penjelasan informasi medis dan persetujuan dari pasien. Dengan demikian informed cosent dapat dipahami sebagai titik awal proses komunikasi medis pemeriksaan diagnosis HIV dan sarana untuk mencapai pemenuhan kebutuhan kesehatan HIV/AIDS tanpa adanya paksaan, kekhilafan maupun penipuan. Selanjutnya sistem normalisasi tes merupakan harapan ke depan untuk menyederhanakan proses komunikasi dan penawaran medis tanpa mengurangi esensi kualitas konseling dan tes HIV..  HIV testing is done to prevent an increase in HIV infection. While the use of an informed consent form is a form of documentation that has differences and specificity in medical offers. Therefore juridical and researcher to study the form of the informed consent form and implementation of HIV testing.This research uses empirical research juridical. Juridical empirical approach to analyze a rule to be effective in the community. This research can provide on the form of judicial review of an informed consent form in agreement therapeutic HIV testing. In addition to knowing the implementation of informed consent in patients who are willing to undergo an HIV test in the therapeutic agreement in Dr. Kariadi Semarang Hospital.Judicial review of the informed consent form and its implementation is in accordance with the laws, regulations and technical guidelines of the health minister. Although it was appropriate, but its implementation is not always going well and there are problems such as lack of understanding about the benefits and functions of the informed consent form so that it can give a patient the opportunity to reject or cancel an HIV test. In addition there are limitations in the ability of patients to understand medical information, incompleteness form filling and different patterns of administration. Being an informed consent form should not to obstruct the right of patients to receive healthcare. While the success of HIV testing must consider the explanations of medical information and consent of the patient. Thus informed cosent can be understood as a starting point communication process medical examination and an HIV diagnosis means to achieve compliance with the health needs of HIV/AIDS in the absence of coercion, mistake or deception. Further normalization of the test system is a future goal to simplify the process of communication and medical offers without compromising the essence of the quality of HIV counseling and testing.

Copyrights © 2014

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Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Unnes Law Journal (Unnes L.J.) is a double-blind peer-reviewed legal journal (ISSN Print 2252-6536 ISSN Online 2722-4503) publishes research and review papers concerning to Legal Studies. Unnes L.J. published biannually by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang on April & October. Focus and ...