Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal
Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal

Analisis Nilai-Nilai Humanisme Dalam Islam


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Publish Date
27 Mar 2019


The debate about the nature of human events has given rise to two major views, namely the viewpoint of science and according to the Koran. This view of science was represented by Robert Charles Darwin, through his theory of evolution. The theory of evolution states that living things, including humans, emerged through a gradual natural selection process ^ so that for some parties, God's role as creator will be disturbed. The theory of evolution's statement about the existence of living things by chance and not having purpose (non-purposive) makes the significance of God for life fade. Living beings will no longer need salvation from God because that religion is no longer needed. According to the Koran, the current generation of humans originated from one figure named Adam. an exception, he comes from the ground. It is explained in QS. 7: 189, 6: 98, QS. 30: 6 and QS. 41: 7-8. The information contained in several verses of the Koran confirms that the earliest humans who were created came from from the ground, while the next generation of humans was created from the essence of the humble water (semen). the breath of Allah SWT's spirit, which is a point of difference compared to other creatures of Allah SWT. Perfection and human excellence is what he finally called the Caliph to prosper the earth and all its contents. Abstrak Perdebatan tentang hakekat kejadian manusia, telah melahirkan dua pandangan besar, yakni pandangan dari ilmu pengetahuan dan menurut Al- quran. Pandangan ilmu pengetahuan diwakili Robert Charles Darwin, melalui teori evolusinya. Teori evolusi menyatakan bahwa makhluk hidup termasuk rnanusia, muncul melalui proses seleksi alam (natural selection} yang gradual^ sehingga bagi sementara pihak, peran Tuhan sebagai pencipta akan terusik. Pernyataan teori evolusi tersebut tentang keberadaan makhluk hidup secara kebetulan (by chance) dan tidak memiliki tujuan (non purposive} membuat signifikansi Tuhan bagi kehidupan meluntur. Makhluk hidup tidak akan lagi butuh penyelamatan dari Tuhan karena itu agama tidak lagi dibutuhkan. Menurut Al-quran, generasi manusia yang ada sekarang ini berasal dari satu sosok bernama Adam. Penciptaan Adam sendiri merupakan sebuah pengecualian, dia berasal dari tanah. Hal dijelaskan pada QS. 7: 189, 6: 98, QS. 30: 6 dan QS. 41: 7-8. Informasi yang terkandung beberapa ayat Al-quran menegaskan bahwa manusia awal yang diciptakan berasal dari tanah, sementara generasi manusia selanjutnya diciptakan dari saripati air yang hina (air mani). Komposisi penciptaan manusia ini juga dibekali dengan peniupan ruh Allah SWT, yang menjadi titik perbedaan dibandingkan dengan makhluk-makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT lainnya. Kesempurnaan dan keunggulan manusia inilah yang akhirnya ia dingkat khalifah untuk memakmurkan bumi dan seluruh isinya.

Copyrights © 2019

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Religion Education


Jurnal Eduprof is a scientific publication of research articles from the islamic educational field where every issue has the focus of educational administration, educational management, and educational leadership. Eduprof is issued by the Management of Education Master Degree of IAI Bunga Bangsa ...