Jurnal Kesehatan
Vol 10 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Kesehatan Published By Poltekkes Ternate, November 2017


Livana PH (Unknown)
M. Ikhwan (Unknown)
Hermanto Hermanto (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Dec 2017


ABSTRAK Data Global Status Report on Non Communicable Disesases tahun 2010 menyebutkan persentase penderita hipertensi saat ini paling banyak terdapat 40% di negara ekonomi berkembang, sedangkan negara maju hanya 35%. Data statistik terbaru menyatakan bahwa terdapat 24,7% penduduk Asia Tenggara dan 23,3% penduduk Indonesia berusia 18 tahun ke atas mengalami hipertensi pada tahun 2014 (WHO, 2015). Hipertensi merupakan suatu gangguan pembuluh darah yang mengakibatkan suplai oksigen dan nutrisi yang dibawa oleh darah, terhambat sampai ke jaringan tubuh yang membutuhkanya. Prevelensi hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi di Indonesia tergolong tinggi, namun kebanyakan dari penderitanya tidak terdeteksi. Hipertensi bisa ditangani apabila masyarakat mengetahui faktor pemicu akibat dari hipertensi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor pemicu hipertensi dengan kejadian hipertensi. Penelitian ini merupakan study descriptive correlation dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan sampel 78 orang. Uji statistik yang digunakan Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin, keturunan, usia, pekerjaan, tingkat kegemukan dengan kejadian hipertensi nilai p value 0,000 (p<0,05). Diharapkan masyarakat dapat melakukan pemeriksaan tekanan darah secara rutin terutama bagi masyarakat yang memiliki riwayat keluarga hipertensi agar tekanan darahnya bisa dikontrol setiap waktu. Kata Kunci : jenis kelamin, umur, pekerjaan, keturunan, tingkat kegemukan, hipertensi ABSTRACT Global Status Reports on Non Communicable Disesases in 2010 revealed that the percentage of people with hypertension is currently at most 40% in developing countries, while developed countries only 35%. Recent statistics state that there are 24.7% of Southeast Asian population and 23.3% of Indonesians aged 18 years and over have hypertension by 2014 (WHO, 2015). Hypertension is a disorder of blood vessels that result in oxygen supply and nutrients carried by the blood, obstructed to the body tissues that need it. The prevalence of hypertension or high blood pressure in Indonesia is high, but most of the sufferers are undetectable. Hypertension can be handled if people know the trigger factor due to hypertension. The purpose of the study to determine the relationship of trigger factors of hypertension with the incidence of hypertension. This study is a study descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach with a sample of 78 people. The statistical test used by Chi Square. The results showed that there was a relationship between sex, heredity, age, occupation, obesity level with hypertension occurrence p value 0.000 (p <0,05). It is expected that the public can perform regular blood pressure checks, especially for people who have a family history of hypertension so that blood pressure can be controlled every time Keywords : Sex, age, occupation, heredity, obesity rate, hypertension

Copyrights © 2017

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Environmental Science Health Professions Nursing Public Health


JUKE : Jurnal Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Ternate is an national peer-reviewed journal dedicated to interchange for the results of high quality research in all aspect of health Science. The journal publishes state-of-art papers in fundamental theory, experiments and simulation, as well as ...