Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri (Littri)
Vol 12, No 3 (2006): SEPTEMBER 2006


I WAYAN LABA (Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor)
AUNU RAUF (Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, Faperta, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus Darmaga Bogor 16680)
UTOMO KARTOSUWONDO (Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, Faperta, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus Darmaga Bogor 16680)
M. SOEHARDJAN M. SOEHARDJAN (Pengendalian Hama Terpadu, Departemen Pertanian)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Jun 2020


ABSTRAKKepik renda lada (KRL), Diconocoris hewetti (Dist.) (Hemiptera:Tingidae) adalah salah satu hama pada pertanaman lada di Indonesia.Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan berbagai parameter kehidupandan demografi KRL pada dua varietas lada. Pengaruh varietas ladaterhadap parameter kehidupan dan demografi KRL diteliti di rumah kasadan pertanaman lada di Pulau Bangka, sejak Oktober 2003 hingga Februari2004. Penelitian mencakup pengaruh varietas Chunuk dan LDL terhadapmasa perkembangan telur dan nimfa, lama hidup imago jantan dan betina,serta keperidian. Selain itu juga diteliti pengaruh fase bunga, pucuk daun,dan buah muda terhadap lama hidup imago. Pengaruh varietas terhadapberbagai parameter demografi KRL dipelajari dengan memelihara kepikdari sejak telur hingga imago yang muncul meletakkan telur kembali.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan varietas mempengaruhiberbagai parameter kehidupan KRL. Lama perkembangan nimfa 17,3 dan13,0 hari, lama hidup imago jantan 10,2 dan 18,8 hari, lama hidup imagobetina 13,6 dan 16,9 hari, keperidian 13,9 dan 24,5 butir, berturut-turutpada varietas Chunuk dan LDL. Imago KRL hidup lebih lama pada bungafase-3 dibandingkan pada bunga fase-1 atau-2. Laju pertambahan intrinsik(r) 0,0741 dan 0,0827; laju reproduksi bersih (Ro) 6,98 dan 8,52, masagenerasi (T) 26,21 dan 25,91; laju pertambahan terbatas (λ) 1,0769 dan1,0862 berturut-turut pada varietas Chunuk dan LDL. Secara keseluruhan,varietas LDL lebih mendukung kehidupan dan perkembangan populasi D.hewetti. Jika tidak tersedia bunga lada KRL mampu bertahan hidup denganmengisap pucuk daun dan buah muda. Lama hidup imago 12,1 hari dan23,5 hari pada buah muda. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalahinformasi dasar dalam penelitian untuk pengendalian KRL.Kata kunci: Lada, Piper nigrum L., hama, kepik renda lada, Diconocorishewetti, parameter kehidupan, demografi, Propinsi BangkaBelitungABSTRACTLife parameters and demographic of bug peper laceDiconocoris hewetti (Dist.) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) on twopepper varietiesPepper lace bug (PLB), Diconocoris hewetti (Dist.) (Hemiptera:Tingidae), is one of the insect pests attacking pepper in Indonesia.Research was conducted with the objective to compare various life historyand demographic parameters of PLB on two pepper varieties. The effectof two pepper varieties on various life parameters and demographic ofPLB was conducted in green house and farmer field on Bangka Island,since October 2003 to February 2004. The experiment covered the effectof LDL and Chunuk varieties on eggs and nymphal development, maleand female adults longivity and fecundity. Besides the effect ofdevelopment stage on inflorescence, shoots and young berries to adultslongivity were observed. The effect of varieties to demographic parametersof PLB was studied by rearing the bugs since egg to adult laid eggs. Theresult revealed that difference variety was influenced life history anddemographic parameters of PLB. Nymphal development time of PLB were17.3 and 13.0 days, male adult longivity 10.2 and 18.8 days, female adultlongivity 13.6 and 16.9 days, fecundity 13.9 and 24.5 eggs per female,respectively on Chunuk and LDL. The life history of PLB adult was longeron stage-3 inflorescences than stage-1 or stage-2. The intrinsic rates ofincrease (r) were 0.0741 and 0.0827, net reproductive rate (Ro) 6.98 and8.52, mean generation time (T) 26.21 and 25.91 days, finite rate ofincrease  (λ)  1.0769  and  1.0862  on  Chunuk  and  LDLrespectively.Generally, variety LDL was much better food source for thedevelopment of D. hewetti. If there were no inflorescences available, thePLB was able to survive by feeding on shoots or young berries. Adultlongivity was 12.1 days on shoots and 23.5 days on young berries. Theimplication of this research is as the basic information in the next researchfor PLB control.Key words : Pepper, Piper nigrum L., pest, lace bug, Diconocoris hewetti,life parameters, demographic, Bangka Belitung Province

Copyrights © 2006

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Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


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