Vol 8, No 1 (2019): PHARMACON


Widiastuti, Priskha (Unknown)
Citraningtyas, Gayatri (Unknown)
Siampa, Jainer P (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Feb 2019


ABSTRACT Medication Error is an event that is detrimental to the patient due to errors in the administration of drugs during the handling of health personnel, which can actually be prevented. Data on incidents of medication errors at Elim Hospital, Rantepao in 2017 were 85 cases (0.085% of the total 98,892 prescription sheets served). This study aims to determine the incidence and the percentage of medication errors during the prescribing and dispensing phase in the Emergency Installation of Elim Hospital ,Rantepao. This research is a descriptive analysis with prospective data collection. The results showed that medication errors which occurred at prescribing stage included no prescription doctor's name was 9.19%, no medical record number was 6.13%, no doctor's initial was 99.61%, patient's name was not clear was 0.57% , there was no patient age, was 6.89%, no concentration / dosage was 2.68%, no dosage form was 52.10%, and no prescription date was  1.72%. While medication errors at the dispensing stage include taking the drug was 0.38% and the lack of drug prepared was 0.19%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the biggest occurrence of medication errors in Emergency Services at Elim Hospital, Rantepao was occurred in the prescribing phase.Keywords: medication error, prescribing, dispensing, Emergency Installation ABSTRAKMedication Error adalah kejadian yang merugikan pasien akibat kesalahan dalam pemberian obat selama penanganan tenaga kesehatan, yang sebetulnya dapat dicegah.  Data insiden kejadian medication error RSU Elim Rantepao pada tahun 2017 yaitu sebanyak 85 kasus (0,085 % dari total 98.892 lembar resep yang dilayani). Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kejadian dan persentase medication error pada fase prescribing dan dispensing di Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSU Elim Rantepao. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat analisis deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data secara prospektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa medication error yang terjadi pada tahap prescribing meliputi tidak ada nama dokter penulis resep 9,19%, tidak ada nomor rekam medik 6,13%, tidak ada paraf dokter 99,61%, nama pasien tidak jelas 0,57%, tidak ada usia pasien 6,89%, tidak ada konsentrasi/dosis sediaan 2,68%, tidak ada bentuk sediaan 52,10 %, dan tidak ada tanggal pembuatan resep 1,72%. Sedangkan medication error pada tahap dispensing meliputi salah pengambilan obat 0,38% dan obat ada yang kurang 0,19%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kejadian medication error di Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSU Elim Rantepao terbesar yaitu terjadi pada fase prescribing.Kata-kata kunci : medication error , prescribing, dispensing, Instalasi Gawat Darurat

Copyrights © 2019

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Medicine & Pharmacology


Pharmacon is the journal published by Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia (P-ISSN: 2302-2493 E-ISSN: 2721-4923). Pharmacon was established in 2012 and published four times a year. Pharmacon is an open access journal and has been ...