Jurnal Filsafat
Vol 30, No 2 (2020)

Pancasila Sebagai Teks Dialog Lintas Agama dalam Perspektif Hans-Georg Gadamer dan Hans Kung

Angel Christy Latuheru (Fakultas Teologi, Progdi Magister Sosiologi agama, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.)
Izak Y. M. Lattu (Fakultas Teologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Center for Religious and Cross-Cultur Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada.)
Tony Robert Tampake (Fakultas Teologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Aug 2020


This article addresses Pancasila as a text of interfaith dialogue in Indonesian context. The plurality of Indonesian society bears religious uniqueness in social life together, while conflicts may take place between religious groups. Religious conflicts are caused by attitude of exclusivism, radicalism, fundamentalism of religions and political identity. Pancasila can hold the sense collectivity among Indonesian society to be united. This article employs Gadamer hermeneutic theory in viewing historical texts. History is not something that only happened in the past and is interrupted with the present contexts. The theory of global ethics-Hans Kung, also helps the importance of dialogue with the religious communities to create religious peace. The article concludes that plural and multicultural society must live together in a dialogue circle. Pancasila as the text of interfaith dialogue is always understood as dynamic, open and relevant in the development of religious society in Indonesia. As the national identity, Pancasila has more than one conception as the lighters and guide toward each dialogue strategy that has been undertaken. The values of Pancasilamaintain inclusive religious attitude, respect to human values, and become a solid foundation in maintaining the unity of religious people.

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Arts Humanities Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


Jurnal Filsafat is a scientific journal that first published in 1990, as a forum for scientific communication, development of thinking and research in philosophy. Jurnal Filsafat is published twice a year, in February and August with p-ISSN: 0853-1870, and e-ISSN: 2528-6811 The Editorial Team of ...