Infokes : Jurnal Ilmiah Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan
Vol 8 No 2 (2018): Volume 8 No 2 September 2018


Nopita Cahyaningrum (Unknown)
Hesty Latifa Noor (Unknown)
Ratih Anggita Herla Dewati (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
13 Dec 2018


AbstrakRSUI Banyu Bening Boyolali adalah rumah sakit bertipe D dengan jumlah petugas rekam medis 8, terdiri dari 6 petugas pendaftaran, 1 petugas assembling coding, 1 petugas analizing reporting. Semua petugas unit rekam medis sering merangkap tugas, seperti petugas pendaftaran merangkap sebagai petugas filing dan distribusi DRM, petugas TPPGD merangkap sebagai petugas TPPRI, dan petugas coding merangkap sebagai petugas assembling. Sehingga menyebabkan beban kerja petugas tinggi dan dalam menjalankan tugasnya tidak sesuai dengan SOP yang ditetapkan. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui beban kerja dan jumlah kebutuhan Sumber Daya Manusia unit rekam medis berdasarkan metode WISN. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel 8 petugas unit rekam medis dengan teknik sampel jenuh. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan formulir, pedoman wawancara, pedoman observasi, dan stopwatch. Hasil perhitungan kebutuhan tenaga unit rekam medis di RSUI Banyu Bening Boyolali tahun 2018 menggunakan metode WISN yaitu 11 petugas terdiri dari 6 petugas pendaftaran, 2 petugas coding assembling, 1 petugas analizing  reporting, 1 petugas filing. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan  perlu adanya penambahan 3 petugas. 1 bagian assembling coding, 2  bagian filing. Perhitungan kebutuhan unit rekam medis di RSUI Banyu Bening Boyolali tahun 2018 menggunakan metode WISN hasilnya 11 petugas. Sebaiknya perlu penambahan 3 petugas rekam medis sehingga beban kerja petugas tidak tinggi dan perlu adanya pembaharuan SOP sesuai dengan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh petugas.Kata Kunci: Kebutuhan SDM, Unit Rekam Medis, dan WISN   Abstract Banyu Bening Hospital Boyolali is a type D hospital with 8 person medical record officers , consisting of 6 registration officers, 1 person for assembling and coding officer, and 1 person  officer for analizing reporting. All officers of the medical record unit often hold concurrent duties, such as registration officers concurrently as DRM filing and distribution officers, Emergency Patient Registration Place officers concurrently as registration place for inpatients officers, and coding officers concurrently as assembling officers. So that it causes the workload of the high officer and in carrying out their duties is not in accordance with the Standard Procedure Operational specified. The study aims to determine the workload and the number of needs of Human Resources medical record units based on the Workload Indicator of Staffing Need (WISN) method. This research is a descriptive study, with a cross sectional approach. Samples of 8 medical record unit officers with saturated sample techniques. The research instrument uses forms, interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and stopwatches. The results of the calculation of the needs of the medical record unit power in Banyu Bening Hospital Boyolali in 2018 using the Workload Indicator of Staffing Need (WISN) method that is 11 officers consisting of 6 registration officers, 2 coding assembling officers, 1 analizing reporting officer, 1 filing officer. Based on the results of the calculation it is necessary to add 3 officers. 1 assembling coding section, 2 parts filing. The calculation of the need for medical record units in the Banyu Bening Hospital in Boyolali in 2018 uses the Workload Indicator of Staffing Need (WISN) method, resulting in 11 officers. It is better to add 3 medical records officers so that the workload of the officers is not high and there is a need for Standard Procedure Operational renewal according to the activities carried out by the officers.Keywords: Human resource needs, Medical Record Unit, Workload Indicator of Staffing Need

Copyrights © 2018

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