PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)

Problematika Penyelesaian Perkara Tindak Pidana Politik Uang (Money Politic) dalam Pemilihan Umum

Ramon Azmi Pratama (Unknown)
Dheny Wahyudi (Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Jambi)

Article Info

Publish Date
23 Apr 2021


ABSTRAK Permasalahan politik uang dalam pesta demokrasi (Pemilu) merupakan tindakan yang kerap terjadi. Isu ataupun memang benar nyata terjadi, setidaknya mengharuskan ruang pikir bagaimana dengan aturan hukum yang ada, yang mengatur hal tersebut, serta bagaimana sebenarnya alur penyelesaian tindakan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penanganan perkara tindak pidana politik uang yang ditangani pada Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) Provinsi Jambi pada Pemilu 2019 dan fakor penghambat penanganan tindak pidana tersebut. Adapun hasil penelitian, bahwa proses penanganan tindak pidana politik uang pada Pemilu 2019 melalui sembilan tahap yang setiap tahap dibatasi waktu yaitu, Tahap temuan dan laporan, pembahasan pertama di Sentra Gakkumdu, pembahasan kedua di Sentra Gakkumdu, rapat pleno, tahap penyidikan, pembahasan ketiga di Sentra Gakkumdu, tahap penuntutan, tahap pengadilan, dan pembahasan keempat di Sentra Gakkumdu. Faktor penghambat dalam penanganan tindak pidana politik uang, yaitu pengaturan alur penanganan yang panjang dengan waktu yang terbatas, sulitnya menemukan alat bukti karena waktu terlalu singkat. ABSTRACT The problem of money politics in democratic parties (elections) is an act that often occurs. The issue, or indeed it really happened, at least requires a space to think about how the existing legal rules, which regulate it, as well as how exactly the flow of completion of the action. This study aims to determine the process of handling cases of money politics criminal acts handled by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Jambi Province in the 2019 Election and the factors which hamper the handling of these criminal acts. As for the results of the study, that the process of handling money politics in 2019 Election through nine stages, each phase limited by time, namely, the stages of findings and reports, the first discussion at the Gakkumdu Center, the second discussion at the Gakkumdu Center, the plenary meeting, the investigation stage, the third discussion at Gakkumdu Center, the prosecution stage, the court stage, and the fourth discussion at the Gakkumdu Center. Inhibiting factors in handling money politics crime, namely setting a long flow of handling with limited time, difficulty in finding evidence because the time is too short.

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


PAMPAS: Journal of Criminal Law (ISSN Print 2721-7205 ISSN Online 2721-8325) is a periodical scientific publication in the field of Criminal Law. The word Pampas comes from the Malay language which means Compensation, Pampas is a traditional Jambi sanction as a law to injure people. This journal is ...