Jurnal Geografi
Vol 12, No 2 (2020): JURNAL GEOGRAFI


Agus Hari Pramana (Program Studi Magister Fisika, Universitas Syiah Kuala)
Faisal Abdullah (Program Studi Magister Fisika, Universitas Syiah Kuala Program Studi Teknik Geofisika, Universitas Syiah Kuala)
Tomi Afrizal (Earth System Science, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Phuket 83120, Thailand)
Nazli Ismail (Program Studi Magister Fisika, Universitas Syiah Kuala Program Studi Teknik Geofisika, Universitas Syiah Kuala)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Aug 2020


Metode DC-Resistivity konfigurasi Wenner telah diaplikasikan pada situs cagar budaya Cot Sidi Abdullah (CSA) di Desa Kuta Krueng, Kecamatan Samudra Pasai, Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Data geolistrik diukur pada 8 lintasan sejajar dengan spasi lintasan 5 meter dari arah utara - selatan sepanjang situs dan spasi elektroda 0,5 meter. Berdasarkan hasil model penampang 2D diperoleh zona yang bersifat konduktif dengan kisaran nilai resistivitas 0,1 – 80 Ωm dan zona resistif dengan nilai reistivitas berkisar antara 100 – 600 Ωm dengan ketebalan lapisan 1 meter. Keberadaan zona yang relatif konduktif disebabkan oleh adanya intrusi air asin yang terdapat disekeliling daerah itu, yaitu area tambak dan sungai. Sedangkan zona resistif terdapat secara merata di semua lintasan yang umumnya berada di tengah–tengah lintasan dan dapat diprediksikan sebagai bagian dari situs yang tertimbun dibawah permukaan. Zona resistif berupa batu bata yang berada di sekeliling situs dan menahan intrusi air asin masuk ke tengah. Oleh karena itu bangunan Situs CSA diprediksi memiliki luasan sekitar 26 m x 35 m dengan bangunan sekeliling berupa batu bata dengan ketebalan dinding situs 1,5 meter. Sedangkan bagian tengah adalah timbunan pasir yang tidak dipengaruhi oleh air asin.Kata kunci: Metode geofisika, Arkeologi, Cot Sidi Abdullah, Metode DC - Resistivity, Resolusi Model, RekontruksiThe DC-Resistivity method with Wenner configurations was applied to the cultural heritages of Cot Sidi Abdullah (CSA) in Kuta Krueng Village, Samudra Pasai District, North Aceh Regency. Resistivity data were measured on 8 parallel lines with 5 meterline spacing from north to south of the sites and 0.5 meter electrode spacing. The 2D model results show that there are conductive region with the value of resistivity from 0.1-80 Ωm and resistive region with resistivity values ranging from 100 - 600 with a thickness of 1 meter. The existence of the relatively conductive region is caused by the sea water intrusions which is found surrounding the area, such as fish and river areas. However the resistive region is evenly found in all of the lines which are generally located in the middle of line and it was predicted as a part of Cot Sidi Abdullah site buried under the surface. The resistive region is consist of brick wall structures which surrounding the site can hold the sea water intrusions into the center of the sites. Therefore it can be concluded that the CSA Site has 26 m x 35 m areas which is surrounded by the brick structures with 1.5 meters thick. Howeverthe middle part of the site is filled with a sand material that is not affected by salt water.Key words: Geophysics Method, Archaeology, Cot Sidi Abdullah, DC- Resistivity Method, Model Resolution, Reconstruction

Copyrights © 2020

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