Tsamratul Fikri (TF)
Vol 10 No 1 (2016)

Tujuan Pendidikan Islam dalam Pandangan Nurcholish Madjid

Safitri, Lis (Unknown)
Manshur, Fadlil Munawwar (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
19 Jan 2017


This article is a qualitative research explained by descriptive-inferential method and analyzed by method of hermeneutics of Hans George Gadamer. Nurcholish Madjid (1939-2005) had more thorough idea about the objective of Islamic education. The ultimate goal of human life is ‘abd and khalîfah. God gives emotions and fit}rah to achieve it. Emotion, lead by knowledge, will bring human to the goodness or badness. ‘Abd and khalîfah has manifested in good worshiping and good in social life.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Education Social Sciences Other


Tsamratul Fikri adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Asosiasi Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana, Institut Agama Islam Darussalam (IAID) Ciamis Jawa Barat, yang memuat karya ilmiah kajian konseptual maupun karya hasil penelitian ilmiah di bidang kajian Islam, khususnya di bidang pendidikan ...