safitri, Lis
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Pemikiran Pendidikan Ibn Tufail: Studi Atas Kitab Hay Ibn Yaqzan safitri, Lis; Nurlaela, Nurlaela; Huda, Ulul; Kuntarto, Kuntarto; Chamadi, Muhammad Riza
Matan: Journal of Islam and Muslim Society Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Matan: Journal of Islam and Muslim Society Vol 1 (No 1) 2019
Publisher : Assosiaction of Islamic Education Lecturer of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Abu Bakr ibn Tufail, known as great Islamic philosopher, meanwhile his education idea can be found in Hayy ibn Yaqzan, his magnum opus. He lived at the golden age of Andalusia in middle age, but his education idea appropriates as a contemporary teaching model. This paper has been written by analyzing and comparing Hayy ibn Yaqzan with contemporary teaching models. Ibn Tufail used rationality and intuition as a major source of human knowledge, both represent equal knowledge. His teaching model has the same characteristics as personal method teaching with a scientific approach. He hammered at the development of self creativity of problem-solving. Discovery method and inquiry methods used as his teaching method with neuro language program of metaphor and analyze case study as a technique of learning.
MAGHZA Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Juli-Desember 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.455 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/maghza.v4i2.3349


This study aimed to find methodologies of translation and interpretation of The Message of the Qur`?n and the contribution of The Message of the Qur`?n to the development of the study of the Qur`?n. This study is library research with the inferential-descriptive method using historical, linguistic, and philosophical approaches. The primary data of this research is the translation and interpretation of the Qur`?n in The Message of the Qur`?n. The study shows that the type of translation of the book is tafsiriyyah translation with grouping some verses based on the small themes in the surah (munasabah). Asad interpreted the Qur`?n using the sequence of surah (tartib mushafi), with the analytical method (tahlili) and the style of adabi ijtima?i. The sources of his interpretation include the Qur`?n itself, the Hadis, the interpretation from the earlier scholars, asbab al-nuzul, sirah, dictionaries both Arabic and English, Bible, and the contemporary scientific theories. Through his work, Asad not only presented the translation with a strong linguistic study, but also enlivened the study on the Qur`?n studies, such as muhkam-mutasyabih, nasikh-mansukh, and the stories in the Qur`?n. The Message of the Qur?an has been written in the contemporary method and become one of the comprehensive English translations of the Qur`?n for Muslims today.
Muhibbin Sebagai Representasi Budaya Pop Santri di Banyumas Prasetiawan, Ahmad Yusuf; Safitri, Lis
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Vol 18 No 1 (2020): IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.257 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ibda.v18i1.3356


The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of the emergence and rise of pop culture and the phenomenon of the Muhibbin which became a wave among students. Pop culture usually only lives in modern, urbanistic society, whereas Islamic boarding schools are known as Islamic education institutions that are generally traditionalist, closed, and conventional. As the pesantren metamorphic wave with many formal schools has sprung up since the 2000s, the pesantren’s contact with the outside world has become more intense, the influences of giving color, and new streams, especially in this social media culture, indications of the emergence of pop culture have strengthened. This study is a cross method or method combination of quantitative and qualitative, using participatory heuristic techniques (observation, interview, documentation), verification, and interpretation in digging data. This is sectional research or in a limited period (January-June 2019). Determination of informants using random sampling techniques, from 183 Islamic boarding schools listed in the Ministry of Religion Banyumas Regency, 31 boarding schools were taken, with each of the 3-4 students, bringing the total to 100 respondents. The results showed that the relationship between the santri community and pop culture was not new since the religious songs industry was booming, but with the emergence of the Muhibbin trend (lovers of the Apostles with sholawat songs), the santri community found the right form of contradictory relations between orthodoxy students with trendy pop, because Santri is the object and the subject at the same time. Muhibbin wave embodies a compromise between Santri’s sacred Islamic values and pop expression as a young spirit, where the age of santri in general. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk memberikan deskripsi tentang kemunculan dan maraknya budaya pop di kalangan santri dan fenomena Muhibbin yang menjadi wave. Budaya pop biasanya hanya hidup dalam masyarakat modern yang urbanistik, sedangkan Pesantren dikenal sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam yang umumnya tradisionalis, tertutup dan konvensional. Seiring gelombang metamorfosa Pesantren dengan sekolah formal yang banyak bermunculan sejak tahun 2000-an, persentuhan Pesantren dengan dunia luar kian intens, pengaruh masuk memberi warna, dan arus baru (newmainstream), terlebih dalam budaya sosial media ini, Indikasi munculnya pop culture pun menguat. Penelitian ini merupakan cross methode atau metode kombinasi antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif, mengggunakan teknik heuristik partisipatoris (observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi), verifikasi, serta interpretasi dalam menggali data. Penelitian bersifat sectional research atau dalam kurun waktu terbatas (Januari-Juni 2019). Penentuan informan menggunakan teknik random sampling, dari 183 Pesantren yang terdaftar pada Dipontren Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Banyumas, diambil 31 Pesantren, dengan masing-masing 3-4 santri, sehingga total menjadi 100 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentuhan komunitas santri dengan budaya pop bukanlah hal baru, telah terjadi sejak industri lagu-lagu religius booming, tetapi dengan munculnya trend Muhibbin (pecinta Rasul dengan lagu-lagu sholawat), komunitas santri menemukan bentuk yang tepat dari relasi yang kontradiktif antara ortodoksi santri dengan pop yang trendy, karena Santri menjadi objek dan subjeknya sekaligus. Muhibbin wave mewujudkani sebuah kompromi antara nilai keislaman Santri yang sakral dengan ekspresi pop sebagai semangat muda, dimana usia santri pada umumnya.
Tujuan Pendidikan Islam dalam Pandangan Nurcholish Madjid Safitri, Lis; Manshur, Fadlil Munawwar
Tsamratul Fikri | Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Asosiasi Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana | Institut Agama Islam Darussalam | IAID | Ciamis | Jawa Barat

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This article is a qualitative research explained by descriptive-inferential method and analyzed by method of hermeneutics of Hans George Gadamer. Nurcholish Madjid (1939-2005) had more thorough idea about the objective of Islamic education. The ultimate goal of human life is ‘abd and khalîfah. God gives emotions and fit}rah to achieve it. Emotion, lead by knowledge, will bring human to the goodness or badness. ‘Abd and khalîfah has manifested in good worshiping and good in social life.