GEMA TEOLOGIKA : Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual dan Filsafat Keilahian
Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Gema Teologika: Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual dan Filsafat Keilahian

Bom Surabaya 2018: Terorisme dan Kekerasan Atas Nama Agama

Tamawiwy, August Corneles (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
16 Oct 2019


AbstractThe socio-political analysis of the acts of terrorism has produced phrases such as “terrorism/terrorist has no religion”. Such expressions overlook ethical-theological approaches in analyzing the acts of terrorism. This article aims to show that without an ethical-theological analysis, the socio-political interpretation of acts of terrorism is inadequate because of very strong theological elements that influence the person or group of people committing such acts of terror. Studying the case of the Surabaya Bombing in May 2018, this articledemonstrates that socio-political ideology is not strong enough to make a person or group of people to carry out acts of terrorism unless they are based on theologically informed belief. AbstrakAnalisa sosial-politis terhadap aksi terorisme berhasil melahirkan diksi seperti “terorisme/teroris tidak beragama”. Hal ini muncul karena adanya upaya untuk menyingkirkan analisa etis-teologis dalam menganalisis aksi tersebut. Tulisan ini hendak memperlihatkan bahwa tanpa pendekatan etis-teologis, analisa sosial-politis terhadap aksi terorisme belum memadai karena ada unsur-unsur teologis yang sangat kuat yang memengaruhi seseorang melakukan aksi tersebut. Dengan menganalisis kasus Bom Surabaya Mei 2018, tulisan ini hendak memperlihatkan bahwa ideologi sosial-politis tidaklah cukup kuat untuk membuat seseorang atau sekelompok orang melakukan aksi terorisme jika tanpa dilandasi oleh keyakinan-keyakinan yang diimajikan secara teologis.

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Social Sciences


GEMA TEOLOGIKA receives articles and book reviews from various sub disciplines Theology, particularly contextual theology Divinity Studies in the context of socio cultural religious life Religious Studies Philosophy of Religion Received articles will be reviewed through the blind review process. The ...