Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan indonesia
Vol 18, No 1 (2019): April 2019

Deteksi Frekuensi Distribusi Timbal Dalam Darah Pekerja Pengisi Bahan Bakar: Studi Kasus SPBU di Plaju, Sumatera Selatan.

Windusari, Yuanita (Unknown)
Aini, Intan Nurul (Unknown)
Setiawan, Arum (Unknown)
Aetin, Entin Nur (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Apr 2019


Latar belakang: Timbal (Pb) sebagai logam berat pernah dijadikan sebagai bahan aditif pada bensin. Pb dalam bentuk tetraetiltimbal (Pb2(C2H5)4) yang membantu proses pembakaran pada mesin kendaraan menjadi lebih halus dan cepat. Pb pada bahan bakar berdampak merugikan bagi lingkungan sekitar termasuk manusia. Pada saat pembakaran, Pb dilepas ke udara bersamaan dengan asap kendaraan. Senyawa yang dilepaskan tersebut berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan. Efek pertama keracunan timbal kronis sebelum mencapai organ target adalah gangguan haemoglobin dan berakibat pada menurunnya kadar haemoglobin. Gangguan anemia akan timbul bila kandungan Pb lebih dari 70 ug/dl atau setara 0,7 ppm. Berkaitan dengan efek  negatif  Pb dalam bensin, maka sangatlah penting untuk mendeteksi dan memperkirakan frekuensi kadar Pb dalam dalam darah pekerja pengisi bahan bakar (pekerja SBPU) yang melakukan kontak langsung dengan bahan bakar.Metode: Sebanyak 11 orang pekerja pengisi bahan bakar dan 2 orang pegawai administrasi menjadi responden dan kontrol dalam penelitian ini. Kriteria inklusi adalah jenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan dengan usia 20-40 tahun, dan kriteria eksklusi adalah yang tidak bersedia menjadi responden. Responden mengisi kuesioner dan di wawancara untuk mengetahui riwayat kesehatan, kemudian dilakukan pengambilan darah untuk dianalisis. Penentuan titik sampling berdasarkan metode purposive sampling dengan kriteria Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar (SPBU) berada di daerah padat kendaraan dan beroperasi selama 24 jam.Hasil: Analisis darah menggunakan SSA Shimadzu 6300 menunjukkan kadar Pb<2.995 ng/nl. Hal ini mengindikasi tidak adanya Pb dalam darah responden. Tidak terdeteksinya Pb dalam darah diduga akibat responden terpapar Pb dalam jangka waktu singkat, penggunaan peralatan keselamatan (APD) saat bekerja, serta  dapat mengindikasi rendahnya kadar Pb pada bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor.Simpulan: Tidak terdeteksinya Pb dalam darah responden tidak berarti mengabaikan keberadaan Pb di dalam bahan bakar. Sangatlah penting untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kandungan kadar Pb secara rutin pada semua pekerja SPBU akibat resiko paparan Pb bagi kesehatan. ABSTRACT Title: Frequency Distribution Of Leads In Blood Workers Filling Fuel: Case Study Of Fueling Station at Plaju, South SumatraBackground: Lead (Pb) as heavy metal has been used as an additive in gasoline. Pb in the form of tetra ethyl lead (Pb2 (C2H5) 4) which helps the combustion process on the vehicle engine so that the engine sound becomes smoother and faster. Pb on fuel has a negative impact on the surrounding environment including humans. When burning in a vehicle engine, Pb is released into the air along with vehicle smoke. The compound released has a negative impact on health. The first of chronic Pb poisoning before reaching the target organ is the presence of haemoglobin synthesis disorder so that the haemoglobin level decreases. Anemic disorders will occur if the Pb content is more than 70 ug / dl or equal to 0.7 ppm. In connection with the negative effects of Pb in gasoline, it is very important to detect and estimate the frequency of Pb levels in the blood of fuel filling workers who make direct contact with fuel.Methods: As many as 11 fuel filling workers and 2 administrative employees became respondents and controls in this study.  The inclusion criteria were the sex of men and women aged 20-40 years, and the exclusion criteria were workers who were not respondents available. Respondents filled out the questioner and continued the interview to find out their medical history, then taking blood to be analyzed. Determination of sampling points based on purposive sampling method with the criteria of the Fuel Filling Station is in a crowded area of the vehicle and operates for 24 hours.Results: The results of blood analysis using SSA Shimadzu 6300 showed Pb level <2.995 ng / nl. This proves that Pb is not found in the blood of the respondent. No detection of Pb in the blood because the respondent was exposed to Pb in a short period of time, the use of safety equipment while working, and an indication of the low levels of Pb in motor vehicle fuelConclusion: Not detecting lead in the respondent's blood does not mean ignoring the presence of lead in the fuel. It is very important to check the lead content regularly on all gas station workers due to the risk of lead exposure to health.  

Copyrights © 2019

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Environmental Science Public Health


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