JSSF : Journal of Sport Science and Fitness
Vol 5 No 2 (2019)


Yulianto, Muchamad Arif (Unknown)
Hidayah, Taufiq (Unknown)
Nugroho, Prapto (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Nov 2019


AbstrakAtlet yang berbakat diperlukan dalam pecapaian prestasi olahraga, jika seorang anak aktif dalamcabang olahraga yang sesuai dengan bakat yang dimiliki, maka anak tersebut dapat mencapaiprestasi puncak dalam cabang olahraga yang diminati. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui bakat dan potensi pada cabang olahraga siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 AmpelTahun 2016/2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan analisis kuantitatif.Penelitian ini menggunakan dua variabel yaitu sport search sebagai variabel bebas dan pemanduanbakat sebagai variabel terikat. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 47 siswa. Pengambilan sampelmenggunakan teknik total sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik tes dan pengukuran.Data yang dikumpulkan berupa tes tinggi badan, tinggi duduk, berat badan, rentang lengan, lempartangkap bola tenis, lempar bola basket, loncat tegak, lari kelincahan, lari 40 meter, dan larimultitahap. Data diolah dengan aplikasi software computer “sport search” dan modifikasi pengolahandata dari M. Furqon H. Hasil pemanduan bakat dengan metode sport search pada siswa kelas VSekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Ampel Tahun 2016/2017 menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas V belum memlikisiswa yang memiliki kategori sangat potensial dan potensial dalam cabang olahraga. Pada kategoricukup potensial terdapat 7 anak atau 15%, kategori kurang potensial terdapat 25 anak atau 32% dantidak potensial terdapat 15 anak atau 32%. Hasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswakelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Ampel belum mempunyai siswa yang sangat potensial pada cabangolahraga.Kata Kunci: Pemanduan bakat, sport search, siswa kelas VAbstractTalented athletes are required in achieving sport achievement. If a child is active in the sports that are suitablewith his talent, then the child will reach the top achievement in the sports interested. The aim of this research is toknow the talent and the ability in sport branch of the fifth grade students of state primary school 1 Ampel. Thisresearch used descriptive with quantitative analysis method. This research used two variables that were sportsearch as the independent variable and talent identification as the dependent variable. The research samples were47 students. The sampling used total sampling technique. The collecting data techniques were test andmeasurement technique. The collected data were in forms tests of height, sitting height, weight, arm range, tennisball throwing, basketball throwing, jumping up, agility run, 40 meters run, and multistage fitness. The data wereprocessed by using computer software application “sport search” and modification of data processing from M.Furqon H. The result of talent identification by using sport search in student’s grade of the fifth grade students ofstate primary school 1 Ampel showed that the student’s fifth grade had not had category of very potential andpotentialin sports. In the potential category there were 7 children or 15%, in the less potential category there were25 children or 32%, and not potential there were 15 children or 32%. The result this research can be concludedthat of the fifth grade students of state primary school 1 Ampel had not had category of very potential in sports.Keywords: Talent identification, sport search, student grade V

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Health Professions


Journal of Sport Science and Fitness (JSSF) is an open access online journal and printed by request, which published by Department of Sports Science, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia. It is a special platform for sport scientist, lecturers, students, or even sport ...